A way to trigger the AzureLetsEncryptRenewer webjob while running on a free plan.
Azure Function Application Settings needed to configure:
: A valid Azure Functions Timer Trigger CRON expression. See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-timer -
: The name of the webapp where the webjob is housed. Typically {whatgoeshere}.azurewebsites.net. -
: The name of the webjob. This is readily accessible from the webjobs screen in the portal. -
: If you go to the web app with the web job inside, click on webjobs, the webjob you want to trigger, then properties, a username will be presented to you to use in this app setting. -
: A password will be in the same place.
And that's it! Enjoy your free webjob.