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Allurectl Playwright Filter

📇 How it works

  1. Gets list of test-cases IDs from Allure TestOps launch
  2. Collects a list of test files in the specified directory
  3. Filters test files that match ID from Allure TestOps launch
  4. Copies files to the specified directory

🚀 Quick start

  1. Download source code
wget -O <your_repository_path>
  1. Add script steps to your CI-file
- allurectl job-run plan --job-run-id $ALLURE_JOB_RUN_ID --output-file testplan.json
- npx ts-node ./tools/allure-filter.ts
- allurectl watch -- npx playwright test ./tests/selected/
  1. Run test launch from Allure TestOps

⚙️ Variables and args

Variables allow you to set options for filtering tests

Variables Description Default
ALLURE_TESTPLAN_PATH Path to testplan file ./testplan.json
PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_DIR Directory with test files ./tests/
PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_MATCH Regex filter for test files .*(test\spec)\\.(js\ts\mjs)
PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_TARGET Target directory to copy selected test files ./tests/selected/

Also, launch options can be set via arguments, for instance:

- npx ts-node <repository_path>/allure-filter.ts './testplan.json' './tests/e2e' '.*(test|spec)\\.ts' './tmp/allurectl-tests/'

🤖 Continuous Integration

GitLab CI

  - test

  stage: test
    - allurectl job-run plan --job-run-id $ALLURE_JOB_RUN_ID --output-file testplan.json
    - npx ts-node ./tools/allure-filter.ts
    - allurectl watch -- npx playwright test ./tests/selected

GitHub Actions

  - name: Test with Playwright
      ALLURE_JOB_RUN_ID: ${{ github.event.inputs.ALLURE_JOB_RUN_ID }}
    run: |
      allurectl job-run plan --job-run-id $ALLURE_JOB_RUN_ID --output-file testplan.json
      npx ts-node ./tools/allure-filter.ts
      allurectl watch -- npx playwright test ./tests/selected