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a plug-in for WordPress that displays the documents attached to a post


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Contributors: EmmanuelG Donate link: Tags: posts, attachments, shortcode Requires at least: 3.9.0 Tested up to: 4.2.0 Stable tag: 2.1.3 License: GPLv3 or later License URI:

This plugin add a shortcode to display the list of attachments of a post, with icon and details. EG-Attachments is "TinyMCE integrated".


EG-Attachments add a new shortcode attachements. This shortcode can be used with many options. But you don't need to know all of these options, because the plugin is "TinyMCE integrated" : from the post editor, just click on the EG-Attachments button, and a window allows you to choose documents to display, title of the list, size of icons ... Nothing to learn.

You can insert the shortcode by hand if you want, or use it in a template using the do_shortcode function.

An another way is to activate option auto shortcode that automaticaly adds the list of attachments, where you want in your posts or pages.

The list includes, for each attachments:

  • Icon,
  • Title,
  • Description,
  • Caption,
  • Type,
  • Date,
  • Size.

Options are

  • Icon size,
  • Sort order,
  • Document type,
  • Document list,
  • Title of the list,
  • Label of each document,
  • Fields to display (caption, description, date, type, ...),
  • Type of link to attachments: permalink, or direct link to the file,
  • Force "Save as" (rather than display document),


Thanks to

  • Dave for the "custom style" feature,
  • Rebekah for her video tutorial
  • Luca Maida for his comments on HTML standards compliance
  • Roberto Scano for his help on debugging, and ideas for new features (tags for example)
  • David Lingren for his help on debugging


The plugin comes up with 10 translations. Two translations are completed for the version 2.0.3:

Thanks to the following people for their contributions, on the previous versions:

If you want to help to translate the plugin to your language, please have a look at the eg_attachments.pot file which contains all definitions and may be used with a gettext editor like Poedit (Windows).

If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send gettext .po and .mo files to me so that I can bundle it into the plugin.


Automatic installation

1.Log into your WordPress admin 2.Click Plugins 3.Click Add New 4.Search for EG-Attachments 5.Click Install Now under "EG-Attachments" 6.Activate the plugin

Manual installation:

1.Download the plugin 2.Extract the contents of the zip file 3.Upload the contents of the zip file to the wp-content/plugins/ folder of your WordPress installation 4.Then activate the Plugin from Plugins page

The plugin is now ready to be used. You can also install the plugin directly from the WordPress interface.

Then you can go to menu Settings / EG-Attachments to set plugin parameters


Four ways to include the list of attachments into a post:

  • With the paper clip button in TinyMCE bar. Click on this button, choose the options, and click insert,
  • With the shortcode [attachments options ]
  • With the automatic shortcode: go to the Settings / EG-Attachments, and choose to activate the auto-shortcode. The list of attachments will be added to your post automatically.
  • In a template file, add the following code: <?php do_shortcode('[attachments *options*]'); ?>

The shortcode options are:

  • template: the template to be used to display attachments. Possibles values: one of the template listed in the menu Tools > EGA Templates. Default value: large,
  • doctype: type of documents to display. Values: image, document, or all. Defaults: document,
  • id: id of the post we want to display attachments. Possible values: id of a post, 0 for the current post, -1 to display attachments that are not attached to a post. Default value: 0,
  • include: list of attachments' id (comma separated) you want to display. Default: nothing, to display all attachments. This option is not supporting the value first, and end supported previously by docid,
  • exclude: list of attachments's id to exclude from the list,
  • orderby: sort option. Values: title, caption, description, file name, size, date, type, menu_order and ASC or DESC. ASC is the default sort order. Default: title ASC.
  • title: title to display before the list. Default: '',
  • titletag: tag to add before and after the title. Default: h2
  • force_saveas forces the browser to show the dialog box (Run / Save as) rather than display attachment. Values: true or false. Default: the default value is defined in the Settings page in administration interface.
  • limit: choose the number of attachements you want to display. Default: all attachments are displayed
  • nofollow: add the attribut "nofollow" to the link, if value is set to 1 or TRUE. Default nofollow=0. This parameter can also be defined in the settings page,
  • logged_users authorizes access to the file, to logged users only, or to all users. Possible values: 0, all users can visualize or download attachments, and 1, only logged users can access to attachments. Default value: the default value is defined in the Settings page in administration interface.
  • tags allows you to select attachments according tags (post tags). Syntax: tags=tag1,tag2. The shortcode will display attachments with either tag1 or tag2,
  • tags_and allows to select attachments linked to all tags specified. Syntax: tags_and=tag3,tag4. The attachments displayed are linked to tag3 AND tag4,

Depredicated options

  • size: size of the icon. Values: large, medium, small or custom. Default: large,
  • docid list of attachments' id (comma separated) you want to display. Default: empty value, if you want to display all attachments. This parameter is replaced by include

In the old posts, shortcodes using size and docid are still working, these two parameters are emulated using the new parameters template and include. In future posts, please use template and include parameters.

Removed options:

  • fields, list of fields to display,
  • icon specify if icons will be displayed or not,
  • display_label: Allow to display label of fields,
  • label label of each document

These parameters don't work anymore with the latest versions. But you can easily get the results you want, by modifying templates.

Examples :

*1: [attachments template=medium doctype=document title="Attachments" titletag=h2 orderby="title"] *2: [attachments template=large title="Documents" titletag=h3 orderby="mime DESC"] *3: [attachments title="Books and DVD Reviews" orderby="date DESC" tags="books,dvd" id=-1]

Some explanations about *General behavior of shortcodes

In the menu Settings / EG-Attachments, you will find a section named General behavior of shortcodes. The options in the section are

  • applied to all shortcodes (automatic or manually inserted into posts),
  • used as options for the automatic shortcode,
  • used as default value for the shortcode manually inserted into posts.

Example: if you check the option Force "Save As" when users click on the attachments, you force the download for all attachments displayed by auto-shortcodes, and manual shortcode, except if you specify force_saveas in a shortcode option.


Just activate the clicks counter in the menu Settings / EG-Attachments, and then go to the menu Tools / EGA statistics to see how many clicks you have, for each document.

The graphs are using Google chart tools, and then, require an intenet connection. If you are using internet through a proxy or a firewall, you may encountered some issues to display graphes properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to display documents that are not related to the current post?

You have two ways:

  • Specify, with parameter id, the post to which documents are attached,
  • With the parameter docid, give the list of documents you want to display.

During post edition, how can I see the list of attachments that will be displayed?

In the menu Settings / EG-Attachments, in the chapter Administration interface, you can choose to show or hide, a metabox that displays attachments of the post being edited.

Could I have some examples of the usage of orderby shortcode option?

  • orderby="mime DESC" to sort by mime type descending,
  • orderby=date or orderby="date ASC" to sort by date ascending,

How can I display attachments by modifying my templates?

In your single.php file, add the following code: <?php echo do_shortcode('[attachments *shortcode options*]'); ?>

How can I change the styles?

The stylesheet is named eg-attachments.css, and can be stored in two places:

  • In the plugin directory,
  • In the directory of your current theme

I would like to change the icons

Just copy/upload your own icons in the images subdirectory of the plugin. Size of icons must be 52x52 or 48x48. Name of icons must be the mimetype or file extension.

I click on a document to test statistics, but counters stay flat

EG-Attachments uses a cache to build statistics, avoiding to launch heavy queries, each time you want to see statistics. The cache duration is 15 minutes. If you want to test statistics, click on several attached files, and then wait 15 minutes, your clicks will appear.

I put %TARGET% tag in templates, but the attribut target="_blank"doesn't appear

The %TARGET% tag is used only when the parameter target is specified in the shortcode, or the option target=blank attribute is checked in the plugin settings page (Menu Settings / EG-Attachments)

When I ask to display the image thumbnails, the thumbnail displayed is bigger than expected

If the size of the image thumbnail is set to 150x150 in WordPress, or in your theme, the thumbnail displayed could be 150x150 in the attachment list, even if you request a smaller size like 48x48 in EG-Attachment, This issue is coming from the styles used by your theme. If your theme is responsive, then the stylesheet should contain some styles to adapt the image size according the screen size. To solve this issue, you need to change these styles, in order to exclude the images of the attachments' list.


  1. List of attachments: small format, sorted by name,
  2. List of attachments: medium format,
  3. List of attachments: Large format,
  4. EG-Attachments button: EG-Attachment is integrated with the TinyMCE post editor,
  5. Insert shortcode: Choose shortcode options, and insert the shortcode into your post,
  6. Options page: you can personnalize the plugin with many options, and parameters,
  7. Statistics: EG-Attachments collects and displays some statistics (number of clicks on the attached files),
  8. Template editor: New in the version 2.0, you can build you own list of attachments,
  9. Template editor: Build easily your own list, using standard HTML tags, and some specific keyworkds.


Version 2.1.3 - April 13th, 2015

  • Bug fix: number of clicks / downloads always 0.

Version 2.1.2 - March 24th, 2015

  • Bug fix: doctype didn't work

Version 2.1.1 - March 24th, 2015

  • Change: cache enabled

Version 2.1.0 - March 24th, 2015

  • New: add keywords %EXT%, and %EXT_LABEL% to display the extension of a file,
  • New: add keywords %MIME% and %MIME_LABEL% to display the mime type,
  • New: add keywords %POSTDATE% to display the attachment date, rather than the file date,
  • New: in the statistics page, add a "clicks number" as sort key,
  • New: new icons set (flat),
  • New: ability to add icons set through plugins ( see plugin EG-Attachments-Human-O2-Icons ),
  • Change: Keyword %TYPE% doesn't return the mime type anymore, but a simple type (image, document, text, ...),
  • Change: Better management of icons (look for icon for file extension first, and then look for icon for file type). With WP 3.9, default icons are "Crystal",
  • Change: Update the widget to use cache, and manage the preview mode of WP 3.9.x.
  • Change: (tentative) Improvement of the cache management, for files that are not attached to a post (and when use id=-1).
  • Bug fix: orderby=size didn't work properly,
  • Bug fix: Security enhancement,
  • Bug fix: Error during uninstallation,
  • Bug fix: Error during installation and update,

Version 2.0.2 - Apr 15th, 2014

  • Change: Compatibility with WordPress 3.9 (TinyMCE button),
  • Change: Little optimisation when getting file information,
  • Bug fix: Error message (in on line 1491),
  • Bug fix: Featured image was excluded, whatever options used,
  • Bug fix: The menu "cache" doesn't appear in the options page,
  • Bug fix: Some sort options didn't work properly,
  • Bug fix: Mistakes in the french translation,
  • Change: Optimize cache (avoid requests to DB for displaying the number of clicks),
  • Change: Internal libraries updates.

Version 2.0.1 - Dec 7th, 2013

  • New: ability to flush the cache (see option page),
  • New: When attachments are images, you can choose to display thumbnail of these images, rather than the icon of the file type,
  • Bug fix: issues when the path of the uploaded files contains space or specific characters (like accents),
  • Bug fix: %TARGET% tag not converted properly,
  • Bug fix: Clear cache when something is changed in the attachments list of a post, or when a post is saved/updated
  • Bug fix: Option page not displayed properly,
  • Bug fix: no counter displayed when number of clicks is 0,
  • Bug fix: Wrong keyword in template "Medium", and "small list"

Version 2.0.0 - Oct 28th, 2013

  • New: Can now manage several custom format (go to Tools / EGA Templates to edit templates),
  • New: New keywords for customizing format: %SHOWLOCK%, %COUNTER%, ... All are described in the menu Tools / EGA Templates,
  • New: Ability to display attachments by tags, independent of post ID,
  • New: New shortcode parameter: tags_and (by default the option tags is tags_or,
  • New: Can hide EG-Attachments button in text editor,
  • New: Include/Exclude by ID (include will replace the parameter docid),
  • New: can exclude automatically the featured attachment (thumbnail) from the list,
  • Change: Security features reviewed,
  • Change: Improve statistics performances (Database query optimisation),
  • Change: the date displayed is now the date of the last modification of the file (not the date of attachment upload),
  • Change: The pop-up warning for not registered users is suppressed,
  • Change: No more file size limitation,
  • Bug fix: Cannot use multiple shortcodes in a post

Version - January 20th, 2013

  • Bug fix: Error during display of the TinyMCE popup window

Version - January 19th, 2013

  • Bug fix: message during activation Warning: Creating default object from empty value in on line 804

Version - March 2nd, 2011

  • Bug fix: option where for the auto shortcode didn't work properly,
  • Bug fix: conflict with custom post type
  • Change: updated translations for Czech, and Italian languages,
  • Change: internal libraries updates.

Version - March 2nd, 2011

  • Bug fix: option where for the auto shortcode didn't work properly,
  • Bug fix: conflict with custom post type
  • Change: updated translations for Czech, and Italian languages,
  • Change: internal libraries updates.

Version - Feb 9th, 2011

  • Bug fix: option Target=_blank, and shortcode parameter target, didn't work
  • Bug fix: parameter nofollow in shortcode didn't work properly

Version - Feb 8th, 2011

  • New: Czech translation,
  • Change: Updated italian translation,
  • Bug fix: Tags without posts weren't displayed
  • Bug fix: Target=_blank option didn't work
  • Bug fix: Options not updated during the automatic upgrade procedure (since WP 3.1, see Function Reference/register activation hook )

Version 1.9.4 - Feb 2nd, 2011

  • Bug fix: EG-Attachments button in the TinyMCE editor doesn't work,
  • Bug fix: some conflicts with plugins using filters in the get_posts function,
  • Bug fix: order_by=menu_order didn't work properly,
  • New: manage "custom post type",
  • New: ability to add target=blank attribute to the links,
  • New: ability to add a path to store your own icons,
  • New: Select attachments with tags in the widget,
  • Change: internal libraries updates

Version 1.9.3 - Jan 24th, 2011

  • Bug fix: broken link to lock.png image,
  • New: translation to Polish (thanks to Mariusz Szatkowski),
  • New: translation to Arabic (thanks to Mahmoud Ahmed),
  • New: Ability to open or close comments for attachments,
  • New: Ability to associate attachments with tags, and select attachments according tags,
  • New: Add an optional menu in the admin menu bar,
  • New: ability to choose the size of the icon with custom format,
  • New: add "menu_order" as sort key for auto-shortcode,
  • Change: documentation updated
  • Change: internal libraries updates because of bug fix, and recommendations about enqueuing styles and scripts (for WP 3.3)

Version 1.9.2 - Nov 1st, 2011

  • Bug fix: settings was not saved properly

Version 1.9.1 - Oct 27th, 2011

  • Bug fix: error message from the file
  • Change: internal libraries

Version 1.9.0 - Oct 25th, 2011

  • New: choose type of link for attachments (permalink, file, or direct),
  • New: translation in German (Thanks to DesignContext )
  • New: attachments has the same security level than post to which they are attached:
    • if the post is private, attachments are considered as private, and cannot be read or download if user is not logged
    • if the post is passwordd protected, attachments can be accessed only if the users provide the right password.
  • Bug fix: HTML validation error,
  • Bug fix: Bad statistics values,
  • Bug fix: Statistics: Bad alignments for month (data for September were displayed in the column October)
  • Bug fix: Bad HTML syntax, when titletag is set to empty string,
  • Bug fix: Error when custom is selected, and no attachment are to be displayed,
  • Bug fix: date format option didn't applied,
  • Bug fix: cannot display field ID,
  • Bug fix: sort issue for ID ASC, or ID DESC,
  • Bug fix: docid=first and docid=last didn't work,
  • Bug fix: widget didn't display the right attachments,
  • Bug fix: option logged_users_only didn't work in widget,
  • Bug fix: fatal error during upgrade,
  • Change: encode url to prevent error with file name containing some specific characters
  • Change: New options page,
    • Use boxes that can be collapsed, opened, moved, ...
    • Group some sections and move fields to General behavior of shortcodes,
  • Change: reduce the size of stylesheets,
  • Change: align widgets options, with the shortcode parameters,
  • Change: updated documentation (this file), and screenshots,
  • Change: update plugin library,

Version 1.8.6 - Aug 27th, 2011

  • Bug fix: force download option doesn't work when the PHP fopen wrappers option is disabled
  • New: add %DATE% keyword is available now for the custom format.

Version 1.8.5 - Aug 10th, 2011

  • Bug fix: zip files were corrupted after download (with Internet explorer, and zlib, or gzip enable on server).
  • Bug fix: sort order didn't work when not specify in uppercase,
  • Bug fix: cannot sort by ID.
  • Bug fix: uninstallation didn't run properly
  • Bug fix: exclusion list for statistic didn't work properly
  • Change: replace some PHP depredicated functions

Version 1.8.4 - July 30th, 2011

  • New: add ability to display TYPE in custom format
  • Bug fix: now, by default, label of fields are not displayed when size is small (same behavior than version 1.7.4)
  • New: for small size, you can choose to display labels or not (default not).

Version 1.8.3 - July 19th, 2011

  • Bug fix: Remove some debug information. Sorry

Version 1.8.2 - July 18th, 2011

  • New: parameter limit can be modified with the button
  • Bug fix: SSL compatibility,
  • Bug fix: parameter limit doesn't work properly with auto-shortcode,
  • Bug fix: bad url when use standard URL (http://host/path/?p= ...)
  • Change: file extension appears now in the file name
  • Change: updated POT file
  • Change: updated french and italian translations
  • Change: internal libraries.

Version 1.8.1 - July 12th, 2011

  • Bug fix: no field displayed when fields=none. Now, default fields are displayed

Version 1.8.0 - July 11th, 2011

In this version, I rewrote the module displaying shortcode content. Three targets:

  • Simplify the code,
  • Clarify fields display (options are more consistent now)
  • Remove bugs.

List of changes and bug fixes:

  • Bug fix: logged_users didn't work with size=medium,
  • Bug fix: link didn't work when title was set to doctitle,
  • Bug fix: PHP parse error with PHP version lower than 5.1.2,
  • Bug fix: title was displayed, even if the list is empty,
  • New: parameter limit for shortcode. Limit is the number of attachments to display. Default: -1, all documents,
  • New: fields parameter accepts now: Document label, Title, Caption, Description, File name, Size, Small size, Date, Type,
  • New: orderby parameter accepts now: Title, Caption, Description, File name, Size, Date, Type,
  • New: automatic shortcode won't be displayed if a manual shortcode exists in the post,
  • New: Choose if you want to add the 'nofollow' attribute or not,
  • Change: run with WordPress up to 3.2,
  • Change: internal libraries.

Version 1.7.4 - Sept 27th, 2010

  • New: Possibility to display a metabox under the post editor, to list attachments of the post being edited,
  • Bug fix: links of attachments are encoded (XHTML compliant),

Version - Sept 19th, 2010

  • New: Optional load of the stylesheet,
  • New: the option size=custom, is working properly now, for both automatic and manual shortcode. Default values are common.
  • Bug fix: shortcode option order_by didn't work properly,
  • Bug fix: unexpected comma in the list of field when shortcode is build with the TinyMCE EG-attachment button,
  • Bug fix: stats didn't work,
  • Bug fix: some errors in french translation,
  • Bug fix: fields choice, suppress description from medium size,
  • Bug fix: error in the widget, when fields caption and description was checked together,
  • Bug fix: in some cases, file size was not displayed,
  • Bug fix: links of attachments are encoded (XHTML compliant),
  • Bug fix: %FILE_SIZE% parameter didn't work in custom format
  • Change: internal libraries.

Version 1.7.2 - July 28th, 2010

  • New: Two new translations Spanish and Dutch.

Version 1.7.1 - June 07th, 2010

  • Bug fix: Some errors in the readme.txt file,
  • Bug fix: Attachments was displayed in the widget, evenif post was password restricted,
  • Bug fix: widget didn't displayed in a page (only post).

Version 1.7.0 - May 20nd, 2010

  • Bug fix: some errors in french translation
  • Bug fix: statistics menu doesn't appear
  • Change: Some generated HTML code was not valid (thanks to Roberto Scano )
  • New: the parameter id allows to specify the id of the post we want to display attachments.
  • New: widgets displaying attachments of the current post
  • New: Italian translation (thanks to Luca Maida)
  • New: Swedish translation (thanks to Jonas Floden)

Version 1.6.0 - Jan 26th, 2010

  • Bugfix: Fatal error during first activation
  • New: ability to choose the location of the auto-shortcode (at the beginning of the post, between the excerpt and the content, or at the end of the post)
  • New: Custom style. Build your own style to list attachments (thanks to Dave )

Version 1.5.2 - Dec 20th, 2009

  • Bugfix: some features was desactivated in the 1.5.1 version;
  • Change: internal libraries

Version 1.5.1 - Dec 20th, 2009

  • Bugfix: in the "edit posts" page, all fields was empty when using EG-Attachments.

Version 1.5.0 - Sept 21st, 2009

  • New: click-tracker,
  • New: translation in Belarusian (thanks to Fatcow),
  • Bugfix: try to fix bug that occurs when file names contain non alphabetical characters,
  • Change: Internal library update.

Version 1.4.3 - Sept 14, 2009

  • Bugfix: Manage boolean values (true/false), in the same manner than 0/1.
  • Change: options change, and internal libraries change.

Version 1.4.2 - Sept 1, 2009

  • New: auto-shortcode options can be used as default values for the TinyMCE button,

Version 1.4.1 - Aug 24th, 2009

  • New: Add parameters to the shortcode window in TinyMCE editor
  • Bugfix: auto-shortcode behavior with logged_users parameter
  • Change: Internal library update.

Version 1.4.0 - Aug 14th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Force Saveas option doesn't work,
  • New: ability to restrict attachments to logged users,
  • Change: Improve SaveAs feature,
  • Change: Internal library update.

Version 1.3.1 - July 18th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Auto-shortcode displays attachments evenif post is password protected
  • Bugfix: in readme.txt, default value of logged_users option.
  • Change: Changes on internal libraries

Version 1.3.0 - June 22th, 2009

  • Bugfix: All users can use the EG-Attachments button in the TinyMCE editor.

Version 1.2.9 - June 20th, 2009

  • Bugfix: French translation
  • New: Delete options during uninstallation
  • New: Support of hidepost plugin
  • Change: Changes on internal libraries

Version 1.2.8 - May 16th, 2009

  • New: Option to display icons or not
  • Change: Internal change of libraries

Version 1.2.7 - Mar 30th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Requirements warning message with Wordpress Mu
  • Change: Attachments lists are enclosed in HTML div tag

Version 1.2.6 - Mar 26th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Attachments displayed several times when medium size is choosen.

Version 1.2.5 - Mar 19th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Error when neither "caption" nor "description" are displayed

Version 1.2.4 - Mar 17th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Don't display title when list of attachments is empty (auto shortcode function)
  • Bugfix: Error when displaying options page
  • Bugfix: Translation to french not complete
  • New: Field choice (caption and/or caption)
  • Change: Update internal library

Version 1.2.3 - Mar 5th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Mistake during SVN transfer from my PC to the wordpress repository

Version 1.2.2 - Mar 5th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Bad behavior with doctype

Version 1.2.1 - Mar 4th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Sort key and sort order didn't work properly,
  • New: Sort key and sort order for the automatic shortcode

Version 1.2.0 - Mar 2nd, 2009

  • Bugfix: Translation of TB, MB, kB, B in french,
  • New: Add automatically the list of attachments in the post content (optional),
  • New: Force the "Save-as" dialog box (optional and experimental)

Version 1.1.4 - Feb 21th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Plugin didn't work properly with PHP 4

Version 1.1.3 - Feb 16th, 2009

  • Bugfix: In some cases, the icon didn't appear in the TinyMCE button bar

Version 1.1.2 - Feb 13th, 2009 (not published)

  • Bugfix: Enable cache management again

Version 1.1.1 - Feb 11th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Disable temporarily the management of the cache

Version 1.1.0 - Feb 9th, 2009

  • Bugfix: Sanitize title
  • Bugfix: Improve some translations (french)
  • New: Add option (label) to choose file label (filename or document title)
  • Change: Update internal library

Version 1.0.1 - Feb 2nd, 2009

  • Change: Just update readme.txt file (author and plugin URL)

Version 1.0 - Feb 2nd, 2009

  • New: First release

Upgrade Notice

From 1.x to 2.x

In version 1.x, the unique custom format is defined in the options page. During update to version 2.x, this custom format is automatically converted to a template. The choice of fields are no more available in the version 2.x


  • The icon of the plugin in the WordPress' plugins repository is from Ionicons. MIT license


a plug-in for WordPress that displays the documents attached to a post








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