Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/acsrdf2010/
Want to contribute something to the homepage, or add additional RDFa? Just fork the repository, make the hacks, and send around a pull request. Make sure to take the gh_pages branch.
From the command line, your workflow could look like:
git clone git://github.com/egonw/acsrdf2010.git git checkout gh-pages origin/gh-pages
Then add the RDFa to your abstract:
nano index.html
Make sure to validate the new index.html with the following two sites:
Both support copy/pasting the index.html content directly into the form, and neither depends the index.html to be online available.
Then you can send me patches:
git format-patch origin/gh_pages
Set up a fork on GitHub, make the changes, push them back onto your GitHub Fork, and send me a pull request. See these two tutorials: