The purpose of this project is to make more nanosafety literature indexed and released as CCZero data.
Get a recent NodeJS version:
$ curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
The content of that file should look like:
deb stretch main
# deb-src stretch main
Then run the following command to install some of the components:
$ sudo npm install --global getpapers
$ sudo npm install -g ctj
Furthermore, you need to install Norma and AMI.
The following should one article (via website), but find 1.6M articles :( Clearly, something is broken...
$ getpapers -q 'JRCNM01000a OR JRCNM01001a OR JRCNM01002a OR JRCNM01003a OR JRCNM01004a OR JRCNM01005a OR JRCNM01100a OR JRCNM01101a OR JRCNM02000a OR JRCNM02001a OR JRCNM02002a OR JRCNM02003a OR JRCNM02004a OR JRCNM02004b OR JRCNM03300a OR JRCNM03301a OR JRCNM04000a OR JRCNM04001a OR JRCNM10201a OR JRCNM10404 OR JRCNM62001a OR JRCNM62002a OR JRCNM62101a' -o nanotox -x
The next command does work, and returns about 470 articles:
$ getpapers -q '"titanium dioxide" AND toxicology' -o nanotox -x
$ norma --project nanotox -i fulltext.xml -o scholarly.html --transform nlm2html
The following two ami runs do not seem to give much results, but at least some:
$ ami2-species --project nanotox -i scholarly.html --sp.species --sp.type genus
$ ami2-species --project nanotox -i scholarly.html --sp.species --sp.type binomial
Counting words is not a problem:
$ ami2-word --project nanotox --w.words wordFrequencies --w.stopwords stopwords.txt
It does not find any use of JRCNM codes, confirmed with a grep search. Therefore, a search on NM-100-like codes is persued:
$ ami2-regex --project nanotox --context 25 25 -i scholarly.html --r.regex jrccodes.xml
The content of jrccodes.xml is:
<compoundRegex title="jrc">
<regex fields="jrc" weight="2.0">NM[-]?\d\d\dK</regex>
<regex fields="jrc" weight="1.0">NM[-]?\d\d\d</regex>
<regex fields="jrc" weight="2.0">JRCNM\d\d\d\d\d\d?[ab]</regex>
<regex fields="jrc" weight="1.0">JRCNM\d\d\d\d\d\d?"</regex>
After extracting all this information, it can be integrated into a single JSON file:
$ ami2-sequence --project nanotox --filter file\(\*\*/results.xml\) -o sequencesfiles.xml
$ ctj collect -p nanotox -M -o nanotox -s -g bionomial,genus,jrc,frequencies
Then we can start the analysis of the extracted data.
I created a Groovy script to extract the bits I am interested in to create a graph linking the JRC NM codes to articles in species mentioned in those articles:
$ groovy createNetwork.groovy
This creates a node/edge representation, suitable for Cytoscape.js. Copy/paste the content into the network.html to visualize it with cytoscape.js in a browser.
Similarly, RDF can be generated, close to being compatible with eNanoMapper:
$ groovy createRDF.groovy
This generates RDF that looks like:
ex:M2 a obo:CHEBI_59999 ; rdfs:label "NM-100" ;
dcterms:type enm:ENM_9000201 ; npo:has_part ex:M2_core ;
cito:isDiscussedBy pmc:PMC4105399 .
ex:M2_core a npo:NPO_1888 ; sso:CHEMINF_000200 ex:M2_core_smi .
ex:M2_core_smi a sso:CHEMINF_000018 ; sso:SIO_000300 "O=[Ti]=O" .