Sage is an experimental deep learning framework written in Rust. Sage is designed for building high-performance differentiable programs with complex runtime logic. Ideally, it aims to bring PyTorch-level flexibility and TVM-level performance together by leveraging lazy evaluation and JIT compilation.
Core features:
- Lazy and incremental tensor evaluation
- Optimized JIT compilation (OpenCL)
- Efficient runtime memory management
Disclaimer: Sage is still in a very early stage of development. Numerical correctness of operation is not guaranteed. There will be breaking API changes without prior notice.
The core framework of Sage is written in pure Rust, but it depends on OpenCL for GPU
support. Please check whether the system has an OpenCL driver installed.
For Android builds, it is necessary to link the OpenCL library (i.e.,
) extracted from the target platform.
Visit for examples and documentation (work in progress)
// Context specifies the processor (e.g., GPU) that executes the program.
let mut ctx = Context::with_device(2);
// Tensors are n-dimension array
let x_data = Tensor::new([
[0.5173, -0.9896, -0.7773],
[0.1546, -0.7499, 0.2420],
[-1.6632, 1.0712, -0.2654],
]).to_device(&mut ctx);
// Variables hold (un)evaluated tensors.
let x = Var::new(x_data);
let y = Var::new(Tensor::new([
[0.5173, -0.9896, -0.7773],
[0.1546, -0.7499, 0.2420],
[-1.6632, 1.0712, -0.2654],
]).to_device(&mut ctx));
// New variable is created as a result of operation
// There are no actual computations at this moment
let z = &x * &y + (&x * 3.14);
// Tensor is evaluated when eval() is called
let z_data = z.eval(&mut ctx);
println!("{:?}", z_data);
// Because c already contains evaluated tensor,
// this only computes addition of the two tensors
let u_data = (&z + &x).eval(&mut ctx);
println!("{:?}", u_data);
// Arithmetic operators
let y = (&x * &x - &x) / &x;
// Math functions
x.abs(); x.log(); x.exp(); x.sqrt(); x.erf(); ...
// Trigonometric functions
x.sin(); x.sinh(); x.asin(); x.asinh(); ...
// Rounding functions
x.round(); x.ceil(); x.floor(); ...
// Logical operators
and(&x, &y); or(&x, &y); gt(&x, &y); le(&x, &y); ...
// Conditional operator (ternary operator)
cond(gt(&x, 0.0), &x, &y);
// Datatype casting; x.float(); ...
// Tensor extent (i.e., shape() in NumPy)
assert_eq!(x.extents(), &[3, 3]);
// Tensor rank (i.e., ndim() in NumPy)
assert_eq!(x.rank(), 2);
// For binary operations, tensor shapes are broadcasted
// (c.f.,
let y = &x + Tensor::new([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]]);
// Shape manipulations
x.transpose(0, 1);
x.permute([1, 0]);
x.expand([1, 3, 3]);
x.reshape([1, 9]);
// Slicing
x.slice(0, 0, 2);
// Concatenation
concat([&x, &y, &z]);
// Gather and scatter
let t = Tensor::new([
[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]],
let y = x.gather(t, 0);
let x = y.scatter(t, [3, 3]);
// Summation
x.sum([0, 1], true);
// Product, true);
// Minimum and maximum
x.min(0, true);
x.max(0, true);
// Example: softmax cross entropy
fn log_sum_exp(x: Var, axes: Vec<usize>) -> Var
let c = x.max(&axes, true);
(x - &c).exp().sum(&axes, true).log() + c
fn softmax_cross_entropy(x1: Var, x2: Var) -> Var
let log_z = &x1 - log_sum_exp(&x1, 1);
let log_p = log_z.gather(x2, 1); //log_z * x2;
-log_p.sum(1, false)
// Matrix multiplication
// Batched matrix multiplication
All operations defined for Variable
is differentiable. The gradient of a variable can be obtained by grad()
let x_data = Tensor::new([
[0.5173, -0.9896, -0.7773],
[0.1546, -0.7499, 0.2420],
[-1.6632, 1.0712, -0.2654],
]).to_device(&mut ctx);
// Variables hold (un)evaluated tensors.
let x = Var::new(x_data);
let y = (&x + 3.0) * (&x + 5.5);
let gy = grad(&y, [&x]);
// Get gradient of x
let gygx = gy.get(&x).unwrap();
// Higher-order differentiation is also possible
let ggygx = grad(gygx, [&x]);
let ggyggx = ggygx.get(&x).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", ggyggx.eval(&mut ctx));
Sage provide basic set of neural network operators required to implement basic DNN models.
Visit src/model
for more advanced examples, such as ResNet
, DenseNet, MobileNet v2,
and BERT.
let mut model = layers::Sequential::new();
.add(layers::Conv2d::new(1, 64, [3, 3]))
.add(layers::MaxPool2d::new([2, 2]))
.add(layers::Conv2d::new(64, 128, [3, 3]))
.add(layers::MaxPool2d::new([2, 2]))
.add(layers::Conv2d::new(128, 128, [3, 3]))
.add(layers::Dense::new(3 * 3 * 128, 64))
.add(layers::Dense::new(64, 10));
let logits = model.pass(&x);
Several momentum-based optimizers (e.g., Adam) are available.
println!("{:?}", Device::get_list());
let mut ctx = Context::new();
let mut model = ResNet::new(ResNetConfig::d18(1, 10));
let batch_size = 128;
let num_epoch = 30;
let learning_rate = 1e-4;
let dataset = Mnist::from_source(
let mut optimizer = Adam::new(learning_rate);
model.init(&mut ctx, 0);
optimizer.init(&mut ctx);
let input = Var::empty([batch_size, 28, 28, 1], DataType::Float);
let label = Var::empty([batch_size, 1], DataType::Uint);
let logits = model.pass(&input);
let loss = softmax_cross_entropy(&logits, &label).mean(0, false);
let grads = grad_param(&loss, &model);
let acc = accuracy(&logits, &label);
let p = Program::compile(&[], grads.values().chain([&loss, &acc]));
for i in 0..num_epoch {
for (j, (images, labels)) in dataset.iter().batch(batch_size, Mnist::collate).enumerate() {
let (images, labels) = (images.to_device(&mut ctx), labels.to_device(&mut ctx));
p.exec(&mut ctx);
optimizer.update(&grads, &mut ctx);
"epoch {:?} / batch {:?} / acc: {:?} / loss: {:?}",
acc.eval(&mut ctx).to_host().scalar::<f32>(),
loss.eval(&mut ctx).to_host().scalar::<f32>(),
Sage has several built-in tensor memory management strategies to support large-scale model training and memory-constrained computing environments. Please read our paper on memory-efficient on-device training for more details.
Sage is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT License at your option.