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Cleaned up code for reproducing our paper "The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling"


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Cleaned up code for reproducing the NeurIPS 2023 version of our paper "The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling":


├── experiments
├── figures
├── notebooks
├── phase-changes
├── scaling-laws.csv
├── scripts
├── texts
└── tinystories

Scripts defining experiments (e.g. slurm job arrays for grid searches) are in experiments. Paper figures are saved to figures. Notebooks for creating these figures are in notebooks. In scripts we define the code for training networks on multitask sparse parity. We save text snippets (samples from QDG clusters) to texts. Code for applying QDG to the TinyStories dataset and saving results is in tinystories. scaling-laws.csv is the database provided by Epoch from their scaling laws literature review:

Reproducing each figure

Here are rough instructions for reproducing most of the paper's figures. Note that these are not ready to be run: you will need to modify each to e.g. load up data from the correct location on your system, save to the correct location on your system, etc. I have copied these over from a much messier repo, so the paths still reference the name of that old repo, which was the-everything-machine. It is possible that I have left out major steps in reproducing these from the desciptions below -- feel free to email me at ericjm [at] if you have any questions, or create an issue on this repo.

Figure 1 and Figure 13: Text snippets created in notebooks/save-clusters.ipynb. Running this notebook requires several experiments to be run first. First, one needs to download the test set of The Pile, test.jsonl.zst, either from or from here. Then we must create our canonical tokenization of the dataset (which will allow us to consistently map integers to tokens in test.jsonl.zst, which can be done with scripts/ In addition to this, the notebook requires the clusters_full_more.pkl file containing the clusters from spectral clustering as well as the file containing the Pile test set token indices that were used by QDG. These can be downloaded here and here, respectively. If you want to run QDG to create these yourself, there are several steps. The file is created by experiments/clustering-0/ This script requires the zero_and_induction_idxs.pkl file. This file contains indices of tokens in the test set of the Pile where pythia-19m achieves less than 0.1 nats of cross-entropy and indices of tokens which are potentially predictable just via induction from their context (they are the third token in a trigram that occurred earlier in the context) -- we attempt to filter out these tokens which can be predicted via induction since for a small model like pythia-19m, it seems like a significant fraction of tokens on which the model achieves very low loss can be predicted in this way, which would make it harder to discover other quanta. The zero_and_induction_idxs.pkl file can be downloaded here or created yourself with the scripts/ script. Note that this script requires the pythia-2.npy file, for which the instructions to download or create are below (for Figure 3). The clusters_full_more.pkl is created by experiments/clustering-0/

Figure 2 - figures/parameters-steps-data-emergence-and-scaling-scalingtop.png: Created in notebooks/combined-scaling-and-emergence-plots.ipynb, using data from experiments/P-scaling-15 and experiments/D-scaling-6

Figure 3 - figures/pythia-scaling-tripanel.png and Figure 11 - figures/pythia-dynamics-tripanel.png: Created in notebooks/ten-million-scaling-curves.ipynb. These figures use data from the following files: pythia-2.npy, timeseries19m.npy, timeseries125m.npy, timeseries350m.npy, timeseries800m.npy, timeseries1_3b.npy. The scripts for creating pythia-2.npy are in experiments/pythia-2 and the scripts for creating the timeseries files are in ./phase-changes. The notebook also loads up a file, which is created with the experiments/pythia-2/ script. Note that all these experimentes used the -v0 version of the Pythia models before the naming convention was changed. So e.g. pythia-19m refers to what today would be called pythia-70m-v0. If you just want to reproduce Figure 3 without recomputing the losses yourself, you can download the pythia-2.npy file from my Dropbox here and get the file here

Figure 4 - figures/tokenscaling/tokensinghsirsa.pdf, figures/tokenscaling/tokenfruit-influx.pdf and Figure 12 - figures/tokenscaling/tokenneilmackinnon.pdf, figures/tokenscaling/tokenssep-normal.pdf, figures/tokenscaling/tokenessmarshall.pdf, figures/tokenscaling/tokenonconsumer.pdf: Created in notebooks/diverse-scaling-examples.ipynb. Note that this notebook requires both a tokenized version of The Pile (discussed above for Figure 1) and the pythia-2.npy curves data, which, again, can be downloaded from Dropbox here.

Figure 15 - figures/similarity-matrix-and-rank-frequency-envelope.png: Created in notebooks/llm-clustering-plot.ipynb. Requires that the similarity matrix and clusters have already been computed or downloaded. See the instructions from making Figure 1.

Figure 7 and Figure 8 - figures/sparse-parity-convergence-time.pdf: Created in notebooks/sparse-parity-timeseries.ipynb.

Figure 9 - figures/sparse-parity-data-scaling-dependence-n.pdf and Figure 10 - figures/sparse-parity-all-scaling-varying-alpha.pdf. Created by notebooks/scaling-exp-vs-zipf-exp.ipynb.

Figure 14: Text snippets created in tinystories/save-clusters.ipynb. But to run this, you first need to run tinystories/scratch.ipynb to compute a file (losses of TinyStories-33M across tokens in TinyStories). Then run tinystories/sim_matrix.ipynb to compute the similarity matrix for QDG, then run tinystories/spectral_clustering.ipynb to compute the clusters.

Figure 18 - figures/scaling-scatter-linear-scale.pdf: Created with notebooks/scaling-exponents-scatter.ipynb using ./scaling-laws.csv


Cleaned up code for reproducing our paper "The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling"







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