🌤️ WeatherWizard ⚡️
WeatherWizard is a browser-based weather dashboard that allows users to search for a 5-day weather forecast for any city.
The forecast provides detailed information including the date, an icon representing weather conditions, temperature, wind speed, and humidity.
Table of Contents 📖
- Project Description
- Technologies
- Installation and Setup
- Credits
- What I Learned
Project Description 📜
WeatherWizard is a responsive web application designed to work seamlessly on various devices and platforms. The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the ability to use JavaScript for creating dynamic HTML and CSS. The user interface is intuitive and provides a visually appealing way to display weather data.
Technologies 💻 This project is created with:
- JavaScript
Installation and Setup 📋
To run this project, you don't need any special tools - just a modern web browser. Simply clone or download the project from the repository, navigate to the project directory, and open the index.html file in your browser.
Credits 🙌🏼
- Animation for the header was inspired by Rachel Cope's work on CodePen, which can be found here. (https://codepen.io/rachelcope/pen/YPzZrg)
- Favicon was sourced from (https://favicon.io/emoji-favicons/cloud-with-lightning)
- Extensive usage of the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) for JavaScript references.
- Various YouTube tutorials, particularly AskBCS for JavaScript debugging techniques.
- Huge thanks to my fellow developers for their insights and feedback during the development process.
What I Learned 🤓📚
This project has been a tremendous learning opportunity. Key learning areas include:
- JavaScript: The project provided an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience in JavaScript, especially in dynamically updating HTML and CSS.
- Animation: Implemented animation for the header by leveraging third-party code and modifying it according to the needs of the project.
- Collaboration: Working with and learning from other developers significantly contributed to the success of the project.
- Debugging: Learned to efficiently debug JavaScript using resources like AskBCS and MDN.
Link to the deployed app - https://elavallee13.github.io/WeatherWizard/ Developer Github - https://github.com/elavallee13