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You can use AWS CloudWatch Logs to monitor and store your log files from Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, AWS CloudTrail, and other sources. You can then retrieve the associated log data from CloudWatch Logs. This class can be used to perform CloudWatch log actions via an Electric Imp.

Note The AWSCloudWatchLogs library uses AWSRequestV4 for all requests. Therefor the AWSRequestV4 library must also be included in your agent code.

To add this library copy and paste the following lines to the top of your agent code:

#require "AWSRequestV4.class.nut:1.0.2"
#require "AWSCloudWatchLogs.agent.lib.nut:1.0.0"

Build Status

Class Usage

Constructor: AWSCloudWatchLogs(region, accessKeyId, secretAccessKe)


Parameter Type Required Description
region String Yes AWS region
accessKeyId String Yes AWS access key ID
secretAccessKey String Yes AWS secret access key


#require "AWSRequestV4.class.nut:1.0.2"
#require "AWSCloudWatchLogs.agent.lib.nut:1.0.0"



Class Methods

action(actionType, actionParams, callback)

This method performs a specified action (eg. create a log group) with any required parameters (actionParams) for the specified action type.


Parameter Type Description
actionType Constant The type of the CloudWatch logging action that you wish to perform (see ‘Action Types’, below)
actionParams Table A table of action-specific parameters
callback Function A callback function that takes one parameter: a Callback Response Table

Callback Response Table

The response table general to all functions. If an error was encountered while encoding the parameters the response table will contain only the error key, otherwise the response table will contain the body, statuscode and headers keys.

Key Type Description
error String A string describing the error encountered
body String The JSON-encoded CloudWatch response in a function-specific structure
statuscode Integer The HTTP status code
headers Table See ‘Headers’, below


The headers table, contains the following keys:

Key Type Description
x-amzn-requestid String The AWS request ID
connection String The connection status
date String The date and time at which the response was sent
content-length String The length of the content in bytes

Action Types

Action Type Description
AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_CREATE_LOG_GROUP Creates a log group with the specified name
AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_CREATE_LOG_STREAM Creates a log stream for the specified log group
AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_DELETE_LOG_GROUP Deletes a log group with the specified name
AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_DELETE_LOG_STREAM Deletes the specified log stream and all the archived log events associated with it
AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_PUT_LOG_EVENTS Uploads a batch of log events to a specified log stream

Specific actions of the types listed above are configured by passing information into action()’s actionParams parameter as a table with action type-specific keys.


This action creates a log group with the specified name. For more details please see the AWS documentation.

Action Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
logGroupName String Yes The name of the log group you are creating
tags Table No The key-value pairs to use for the tags. Default: null


local groupParams = { "logGroupName": "testLogGroup",
                      "tags": { "Environment": "test" } };

logs.action(AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_CREATE_LOG_GROUP, groupParams, function(response) {
    if ("error" in response) {

    if (response.statuscode == HTTP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) {
        server.log("Created a log group successfully");
    } else {
        server.log("Failed to create log group. error: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).message);


This action creates a log stream for the specified log group. For more details please see the AWS documentation.

Action Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
logGroupName String Yes The name of the existing log group
logStreamName String Yes The name of the log stream you are creating


local params = { "logGroupName": "testLogGroup",
                 "logStreamName": "testLogStream" };

logs.action(AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_CREATE_LOG_STREAM, params, function(response) {
    if ("error" in response) {

    if (response.statuscode == HTTP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) {
        server.log("Created a log stream successfully");
    } else {
        server.log("Failed to create log stream. error: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).message);


This action deletes a log group with the specified name. For more details please see the AWS documentation.

Action Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
logGroupName String Yes The name of the log group you want to delete


local deleteParams = { "logGroupName": "testLogGroup" };

logs.action(AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_DELETE_LOG_GROUP, deleteParams, function(response) {
    if ("error" in response) {

    if (response.statuscode == HTTP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) {
        server.log("Deleted log group successfully");
    } else {
        server.log("Failed to delete log group. error: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).message);


This action deletes the specified log stream and permanently deletes all of the archived log events that have been associated with the log stream. For more details please see the AWS documentation.

Action Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
logGroupName String Yes The name of the log group
logStreamName String Yes The name of the log stream you are deleting from the log group


local params = { "logGroupName": "testLogGroup",
                 "logStreamName": "testLogStream" };

logs.action(AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_DELETE_LOG_STREAM, deleteParams, function(response) {
    if ("error" in response) {

    if (response.statuscode == HTTP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) {
        server.log("Deleted log stream successfully");
    } else {
        server.log("Failed to delete log stream. error: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).message);


This action uploads a batch of log events to the specified log stream. For more details please see the AWS documentation.

Action Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
logEvents Array of tables Yes An array of log event tables. Each event table must contain the keys message and timestamp. The values of both keys must be strings. The value of message is the log message. The value of timestamp should be formatted as milliseconds since the Unix Epoch (milliseconds counted since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)
logGroupName String Yes The name of the log group
logStreamName String Yes The name of the log stream
sequenceToken String No The sequence token. Default: null


local now = date();
local ms = format("%06d", now.usec).slice(0,3);
local ts = format("%d%s", time(), ms);

local putLogParams = { "logGroupName": "testLogGroup",
                       "logStreamName": "testLogStream",
                       "logEvents": [{ "message": "log",
                                       "timestamp": ts }] };

logs.action(AWS_CLOUDWATCH_LOGS_ACTION_PUT_LOG_EVENTS, putLogParams, function(response) {
    if ("error" in response) {

    if (response.statuscode == HTTP_RESPONSE_SUCCESS) {
        server.log("successfully put a log in a stream");
    } else {
        server.log("failed to put a log in a stream");


The AWSCloudWatchLogs library is licensed under the MIT License.