- gdocs - javai.nio.filesystem.FileSystem implmenetation to save and read files to/from google docs/drive
- cli - simple test shell to test any file system provider
- sync - cli interface for a simple FileVisitor which backup files to/from a remote file system
Current status: draft
I am using it to bulk upload and download from/to the google drive but a lot of things still missing:
- the nio FileSystem API is not fully implemented (move,copy,delete is missing)
- no settings for adjusting cache settings
- sync cli supports only one way sync without overwriting any file
- syntax of the sync app will be changed
- Atribute handling should be improved
java -jar cli.jar file:/// /tmp/todir gdocs:/// /archive
or from java code:
Path p = FileSystems.getFileSystem(new URI("gdocs://")).getPath("/archiv/auto/something.pdf");
Path to = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/tmp").resolve(p.getRoot().relativize(p).toString());