fastapi and react application for tools rental application
The solution was built with Fastapi and pydantic with Sqlalchemy, sqlite, Alembic(for migrations).
Create .env file and using the envexample file and fillout the information for the variables in there before you build the docker image and deploy using docker-compose.
Build the docker images using docker-compose
docker-compose build
Run docker-compose to run the docker setup
docker-compose up
and go to:
When you update the sqlalchmey model then you need to run the alembic to run the database update. You can do it from docker-compose. The final migrations are in the alembic dir.
Make a migration:
docker-compose run web alembic revision --autogenerate -m "you change note here"
Migrate the database:
docker-compose run web alembic upgrade head
swagger - http://localhost:8000/docs
redoc - http://localhost:8000/redoc