This Python program combines all PDF files in a folder into a single PDF file.
The simple GUI was built with tkinter. The PDF combination is done with the PyPDF2 module.
File build_pdf_combiner.txt describes my learning curve with pyinstaller. One or more exectuble versions of the program, created with pyinstaller, are in the "dist" sub-folder. These are for the Windows operating system, tested on Windows 10.
- Start the app.
- Click "Select Folder" and select the folder of PDF files to be combined.
- Click "Combine Files" to combine the files into a single PDF in the Combined sub-folder.
- Optionally, click "Open Output Folder" to open File Explorer to the Combined sub-folder.
Status is reported. As shown below, the app reports on any corrupted PDF files that could not be added.
The output file, "Combined PDF Files.pdf", contains Bookmarks with the names of the original files.