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Python Code Auto‐heal Feature

Eliran Wong edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 7 revisions

Python Code Auto-heal Feature

LetMeDoIt AI is now equipped with an auto-healing feature for Python code. It is designed to automatically fix broken Python code.

The auto-heal feature enables LetMeDoIt AI to automatically fix broken Python code if it was not executed properly. It is helpful to have auto-correction for code when a task fails to execute.


Running Python Code Directly

You can run python code directly with LetMeDoIt AI prompt. To enable auto-healing feature, use ``` before and after your code.

To illustrate the difference, see the screenshot below:


Case 1: Running python code directly without an error

Case 2: The code is not running as it is broken

Case 3: The code is not running in the first place, but executed with auto-healing feature.

Customise maximum number of auto-heal attempts

To customise:

  1. Enter a blank '' entry to launch LetMeDoIt AI action menu.

  2. Select "Change maximum consecutive auto-heal


Remarks: Enter '0' if you want to disable auto-heal feature


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Plugins ‐ Function Calling
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