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Tekton Demo

An demo for tekton on OCP 4.x.


The demo is installed with Helm.

The chart is located in the bookstore-chart folder.

  1. Create a new OpenShift project:

oc new-project bookstore-pipeline-demo

  1. Install Tekton Operator (Optional if not installed)

oc apply -f pipelines-operator.yaml

  1. Test the chart with a dry run (just to be sure that everyrhing is formally fine):

helm install --generate-name --dry-run bookstore-chart

  1. Go to the project source root and install the chart:

helm install --generate-name bookstore-chart

  1. At the end of installation in the "Post install Front End setup for demo" the chart will output a command to update the frontend deployment environment variables with urls of the two ReST services: copy the command and run it (you need to be logged in your openshift). The command is something like:
oc patch  deployment/bookstore-chart-1605264575-fe -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"spec\":{\"containers\":[{\"env\":[{\"name\":\"BOOKSAPIURL\",\"value\":\"http://$(oc get route bookstore-books-api -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}' --namespace bookstore-demo)\"},{\"name\":\"BOOKSTOCKAPIURL\",\"value\":\"http://$(oc get route bookstore-stock-api  -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}' --namespace bookstore-demo)\"}],\"name\":\"bookstore-chart-fe\"}]}}}}" --namespace bookstore-demo
  1. Start the Tekton pipelines

    oc apply -f pipelineruns/

Alternatively Login into web console and run the three pipelines:

  • front-end-pipeline (run the pipeline with the pvc fe-pipeline-pvc)
  • books-api-pipeline (run the pipeline with the pvc books-api-pipeline-pvc)
  • stock-api-pipeline (run the pipeline with the pvc stock-api-pipeline-pvc)

At the end you will have the three applications running.

Front-end app

This is a nodejs front end app that uses the ReST services to compose the page.

Books API

This is a java spring-boot ReST service. Is the list of books available.

To test it from browser you can point to

Stock API

This is a dotnet ReST service. Is the number of books available for online store.


A simple tekton pipeline






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