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AledLang is a stupid 🤹 programming language, this repo contains what is - I hope - the only tool to compile and debug it.

This language is so difficult to use that programming an AledLang interpertor is simpler than making a hello world with it... Aled is the contraction of "à l'aide" in French which means "help" / "help me" 📣

Originally 🧭, it is interpreted but a compiler for x86 in 32bit is now functional (it generates GNU assembly files and not directly .elf files).

Compiler Features

  • -b (compl) Compile to elf i386 on the fly 💾 (requires gcc)

  • -c (compl) Print the generated assembly code to stdout

  • -r (compl) Compile to elf i386 and run it (implies -b)

  • -d (intrp) Print the stack and code position at each step

  • -e (intrp) Please 🛐 read the lua documentation about this option

  • -f (intrp) Disable stack overflow / jump out of bounds checks 🫣

  • -s (intrp) Like -d but wait for a key press between each step

  • -h Print a help message in the console like every good program

  • -v Dump version and don't give you a burger 🍔 as it's impossible


The language was designed to be written on a single line 🪦. Number, keywords and operators must be separated by any non-null quantity of any whitespace.


The language is stack based, each written number is pushed into the stack, we can also note charaters which will send their ascii value.


> 1 2 3 'A'

- 1 is pushed
- 2 is pushed
- 3 is pushed
- 65 is pushed (A ascii value)

To simplify 🥭 the push of string, we can note a sequence of charatere between double quote, which will push all the chars of the string with a \0 at the end.


> "Hello"

- 72 is pushed (H ascii value)
- 101 is pushed (e ascii value)
- 108 is pushed (l ascii value)
- 108 is pushed (l ascii value)
- 111 is pushed (o ascii value)
- 0 is pushed (NULL terminator)


The stack is a LIFO stack, the last element pushed is the first to be popped. Numbers pushed are 32bits integers 🔮

[ PRINT 42 AND 123 ]

> 123 42 PRINT PRINT

- 123 is pushed
- 42 is pushed
- 42 is popped and printed
- 123 is popped and printed


A label is a number surrounded 🙆‍♀️ by parenthesis, it is used to represent a position in the code, it is used by the GOTO and JIF keywords.


> (0) 123 PRINT 0 GOTO

- 123 is pushed
- 123 is popped and printed
- 0 is pushed
- 0 is popped and the program jumps to the label 0


Comments are not recommended because they risk making the code less obscure, however I am easily influenceable 👯 and a friend asked me to implement them.


> 42 [gosh, I love comments] PRINT // I love them so much

- 42 is pushed
- 42 is popped and printed


Keyword Internal Description Stack before, KW, Stack after
PRINT KW_PRINT print like %u\n 1 2 PRINT 1 (2 printed)
CPUT KW_CPUT print like %c 1 65 CPUT 1 (A printed)
INPUT KW_INPUT get number from stdin 1 INPUT 1 42 (42 pushed)
CGET KW_CGET get char from stdin 1 CGET 1 97 ('a' pushed)
GOTO KW_GOTO jump to label 1 123 GOTO 1 (jump to 123)
JIF KW_JIF jump to label if true 1 3 123 JIF 1 (jump to 123)
SET KW_SET set memory 1 2 3 SET 1 (mem[3] <- 2)
GET KW_GET get memory and push 1 3 GET 1 2 (mem[3] -> 2)
POP KW_POP pop from stack 1 2 POP 1 (2 popped)
SWAP KW_SWAP swap last two elements 1 2 3 SWAP 1 3 2
SWAP3 KW_SWAP3 swap last three elements 1 2 3 4 SWAP3 1 4 3 2
ROT KW_ROT rotate all elements 1 2 3 4 ROT 4 1 2 3
DUP KW_DUP duplicate last element 1 DUP 1 1
DUP2 KW_DUP2 duplicate last two 1 2 DUP2 1 2 1 2
+ OP_ADD add last two elements 1 2 + 3
- OP_SUB subtract last two elements 3 2 - 1
* OP_MUL multiply last two elements 2 3 * 6
/ OP_DIV divide last two elements 6 2 / 3
% OP_MOD modulo last two elements 6 4 % 2
== OP_EQ compare last two elements 1 1 == 1
!= OP_NEQ compare last two elements 1 2 != 1
> OP_GT compare last two elements 2 1 > 1
< OP_LT compare last two elements 1 2 < 1
>= OP_GTE compare last two elements 2 1 >= 1
<= OP_LTE compare last two elements 1 2 <= 1


stack-based lang as stupid as literary people





