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chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]
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# 1.0.0 (2022-02-09)

### Bug Fixes

* **eleventy:** dynamic import of node-fetch ([162f48f](162f48f))
* **ld-button:** remove Safari button styles when type prop is used ([ffa69f6](ffa69f6))
* **ld-input:** cannot focus year on safari ([0c2137d](0c2137d))
* make disabled attributes work with false in react ([5a3ee62](5a3ee62)), closes [#229](#229) [#235](#235)
* **clone-attributes:** determining attributes from props is unnecessary ([a0648ef](a0648ef)), closes [#190](#190)
* **ld-button:** non-reflected props are not cloned as attributes ([b081be2](b081be2))
* **ld-button:** non-reflected props are not cloned as attributes ([658a838](658a838))
* **ld-button:** prop forwarding ([dfd53da](dfd53da))
* **ld-button:** prop forwarding ([e086a62](e086a62))
* **ld-button:** quick-fix anchor button not working in docs-page-nav ([1b7add7](1b7add7))
* **ld-button:** quick-fix anchor button not working in docs-page-nav ([7c1d388](7c1d388))
* **ld-button:** revert removal of hover media query ([c0cdc1d](c0cdc1d))
* **ld-button:** revert removal of hover media query ([02ba181](02ba181))
* **ld-checkbox:** prop forwarding and indeterminate state ([572e711](572e711))
* **ld-checkbox:** prop forwarding and indeterminate state ([e3274e6](e3274e6))
* **ld-icon:** keep xmlns string in icon assets for a better dx ([ffb144c](ffb144c))
* **ld-input:** change ld-input disabled background color to grey ([6fc32e0](6fc32e0)), closes [#214](#214)
* **ld-input:** change ld-input disabled background color to grey ([8de9e7a](8de9e7a)), closes [#214](#214)
* **ld-input:** hidden input ([690e495](690e495))
* **ld-input:** prop forwarding ([191e048](191e048))
* **ld-input:** submit associated form on return ([ec0332d](ec0332d))
* **ld-tabs:** show tabpanel according to preselected tab ([1428d3d](1428d3d)), closes [#179](#179)
* **react:** add alternative approach for setting the asset path ([7b7f044](7b7f044))
* conditionally disconnect attribute observer ([84259b9](84259b9))
* **ld-input:** submit associated form on return ([f74d88c](f74d88c))
* clone attributes from component props instead of attributes ([b5d13f1](b5d13f1))
* conditionally disconnect attribute observer ([99f6494](99f6494))
* **ld-input:** remove unnecessary watch decorator on required prop ([c31237d](c31237d))
* **ld-radio:** prop forwarding ([5f7026b](5f7026b))
* **ld-select:** prop forwarding ([9273538](9273538))
* **ld-select:** update hidden inputs on attribute changes ([256c37c](256c37c))
* **ld-select:** update hidden inputs on attribute changes ([29f4680](29f4680))
* **ld-tabs:** show tabpanel according to preselected tab ([b52263f](b52263f)), closes [#179](#179)
* clone attributes from component props instead of attributes ([d468293](d468293))
* remove unnecessary append child call ([8688ba6](8688ba6))
* **changelog:** remove redundant entries ([54a5a32](54a5a32))
* **changelog:** remove redundant entries ([f1bb6bc](f1bb6bc))
* **dist-custom-elements:** build custom elements bundle ([2a03561](2a03561))
* **dist-custom-elements:** build custom elements bundle ([8bf6210](8bf6210))
* **ld-button:** reset margin for safari ([58f0e3f](58f0e3f))
* **ld-checkbox:** emits input event on click from outside ([bf2985c](bf2985c))
* **ld-checkbox:** emits input event on click from outside ([f456f50](f456f50))
* **ld-checkbox:** remove redundant input event dispatch ([0e95969](0e95969))
* **ld-icon:** apply styles on slotted svg ([cded2ef](cded2ef))
* **ld-icon:** make sure shadow dom style element is not removed ([7cb5746](7cb5746)), closes [#124](#124)
* **ld-icon:** replace icon instead of appending it on name change ([16605f0](16605f0))
* **ld-icon:** replace icon instead of appending it on name change ([90fbcfe](90fbcfe))
* **ld-input:** add box-sizing border-box to textarea ([dc689e4](dc689e4))
* **ld-input:** add box-sizing border-box to textarea ([31a60c1](31a60c1))
* **ld-input:** let textarea inherit max/min sizes ([6c80ffb](6c80ffb))
* **ld-input:** let textarea inherit max/min sizes ([60afed0](60afed0))
* **ld-notification:** center content vertically ([5b114fe](5b114fe))
* **ld-notification:** center content vertically ([99fd1bc](99fd1bc))
* **ld-option-internal:** disabled text color ([d6db1bc](d6db1bc))
* **ld-radio:** emits input event on click from outside ([c07d5a1](c07d5a1))
* **ld-radio:** emits input event on click from outside ([d465d2b](d465d2b))
* **ld-radio:** prop forwarding ([58daab5](58daab5))
* **ld-radio:** remove redundant input event dispatch ([b063726](b063726))
* **ld-select:** add focus inner method for click on label ([700da3b](700da3b))
* **ld-select:** add focus inner method for click on label ([cad4501](cad4501))
* **ld-select:** always set ignore slot changes to false on next tick ([06e4cd1](06e4cd1))
* **ld-select:** focus outline styles for Safari ([16c1f30](16c1f30))
* **ld-select:** focus outline styles for Safari ([86a3c3c](86a3c3c))
* **ld-select:** init ld-option-internal with up-to-date props ([6eb4216](6eb4216))
* **ld-select:** ld-select not opening up on mobile safari ([8eb01c3](8eb01c3)), closes [#122](#122)
* **ld-select:** ld-select not opening up on mobile safari ([5762271](5762271)), closes [#122](#122)
* **ld-select:** remove unnecessary settimeout for autofocus ([9fcd2c6](9fcd2c6))
* **ld-select:** use value instead of get attribute value ([7e6d98f](7e6d98f))
* **ld-select-popper:** use up-to-date css custom props ([626dfe2](626dfe2))
* **ld-toggle:** icon placement in safari ([3f0e35d](3f0e35d))
* **ld-toggle:** prop forwarding ([eb3d168](eb3d168))
* **ld-toggle:** prop forwarding ([bbf9a29](bbf9a29))
* **ld-toggle:** update to match current design ([8a5b800](8a5b800))
* **ld-typo:** apply code review suggestions ([1f87846](1f87846))
* **theming:** update success theme colors ([c8015db](c8015db))
* 1.0rem safari issue ([3b2bbfe](3b2bbfe))
* default color refs, allow non-default refs in tailwind preset ([0bd1849](0bd1849))
* properly create default colors, remove color variants ([0479741](0479741))
* **build:** export types ([c0d0a59](c0d0a59))
* **build:** export types ([e8dc84d](e8dc84d))
* **css-reset:** make css reset work in safari ([2b2d98d](2b2d98d))
* **engines:** allow node 14 and higher ([2ec2314](2ec2314))
* **engines:** allow node 14 and higher ([28d9040](28d9040))
* **l-heading:** theming selectors specifity ([81d1b27](81d1b27))
* **ld-bg-cells:** optimize svg assets ([080523c](080523c))
* **ld-bg-cells:** optimize svg assets ([f4cc3dd](f4cc3dd))
* **ld-button:** active states on safari ([2a1eaa5](2a1eaa5))
* **ld-button:** prevent event propagation on aria disabled button click ([0e0da81](0e0da81))
* **ld-button:** progress bar overflow issue on safari ([ad010bd](ad010bd)), closes [#32](#32)
* **ld-button, ld-heading:** host style ([b1e90e6](b1e90e6))
* **ld-input:** button and icon styles ([f0eb0ac](f0eb0ac))
* **ld-input:** clean up styling ([8e2c462](8e2c462))
* **ld-input:** click event handler fired twice ([21b2274](21b2274))
* **ld-label:** focus inner input element on click (wip) ([ba22b1b](ba22b1b))
* **ld-notification:** animate notifications only once by preventing re-rendering with correct keys ([5430a34](5430a34))
* **ld-notification:** screen reader now announces notifications correctly ([ce7f2c1](ce7f2c1))
* **ld-notification:** transition out last notification in queue ([09a5c78](09a5c78))
* **ld-radio:** change selection with arrow buttons ([a071221](a071221))
* **ld-select:** apply props explicitly to make it work in vue ([a6fca8f](a6fca8f))
* **ld-select:** css component ([1a3bcab](1a3bcab))
* **ld-select:** custom popper class ([936f6d7](936f6d7))
* **ld-select:** custom trigger icon ([460de73](460de73))
* **ld-select:** form validation / event timing ([8a4a58e](8a4a58e))
* **ld-select:** mutation observer and click on disabled and focus outline ([d0428a3](d0428a3))
* **ld-select:** pinned mode ([63d0e41](63d0e41))
* **ld-select:** swap more indicator color and background-color ([c0e580b](c0e580b))
* **ld-sr-live:** use aria-relevant all to also announce first message ([5c607b7](5c607b7))
* **ld-tabs:** emit tab change event from within the ld-tabs component ([6b31d70](6b31d70))
* **ld-tooltip:** lighthouse issue buttons do not have an accessible name ([a8fb585](a8fb585))
* **ld-tooltip:** rename property id in order to prevent dom exception ([b623b18](b623b18))
* **reset:** apply reset to everything except examples ([b84d631](b84d631))
* **tailwindcss:** extend default spacings instead of replacing them ([3b9750d](3b9750d))
* **types:** annotate boolean prop types explicitly as booleans ([d18f141](d18f141))
* **types:** annotate boolean prop types explicitly as booleans ([c1e3b38](c1e3b38))
* **utils:** do not clone slot-attribute ([6e3673c](6e3673c))
* invalid style (design review) ([#9](#9)) ([bc34676](bc34676))
* TS error ([28e5794](28e5794))
* **label:** gap between label and input ([b1f01be](b1f01be))
* **ld-button:** aria disabled false should not prevent default behaviour ([da93a80](da93a80))
* **ld-button:** focus active states ([e4f3e33](e4f3e33))
* **ld-button:** focus state in secondary and ghost mode ([d17e91d](d17e91d))
* **ld-button:** increase css specificity for better interop with tailwind ([b20b7df](b20b7df))
* **ld-button:** ocean theme focus state on touch device ([b891b5b](b891b5b))
* **ld-button:** spacings and colors ([7eee836](7eee836))
* **ld-button:** use transparent rich colors ([3a40600](3a40600))
* **ld-checkbox:** checked and disabled props must be applied after clone attributes ([804685a](804685a))
* **ld-heading:** increase css specificity for better interop with tailwind ([1b2b97e](1b2b97e))
* **ld-heading:** ld-heading should be display block by default ([6a51298](6a51298))
* **ld-input:** all focused inputs should have a white background ([b06de8f](b06de8f))
* **ld-input:** change bg color of dark input ([cc20a5b](cc20a5b))
* **ld-input:** fix input height ([e51f492](e51f492))
* **ld-input:** inherit min-height in multiline mode ([3e3e201](3e3e201))
* **ld-input:** make textarea take full height of its container ([6ed36a9](6ed36a9))
* **ld-input:** overflow on placeholder element ([a66f05d](a66f05d))
* **ld-input:** remove usage of unused custom css prop ([c5921e6](c5921e6))
* **ld-input:** use darker color for icons for more contrast ([4ed2db8](4ed2db8))
* **ld-paragraph:** ld-paragraph should be display block by default ([a6cd566](a6cd566))
* **ld-select:** css custom props not available in popper ([bb091ef](bb091ef))
* **ld-select:** custom icon size and paddings ([3e211da](3e211da))
* **ld-select:** events ([730e755](730e755))
* **ld-select:** make arrow up and down behave just like with the native select ([f52f1c1](f52f1c1))
* **ld-select:** maximum call stack size exceeded error ([cbe7d70](cbe7d70))
* **ld-select:** more item vertical position ([64b71ca](64b71ca))
* **ld-select:** set theme class with js on popper ([8bfacdd](8bfacdd))
* **ld-select:** text ellipsis on trigger button ([429714e](429714e))
* **ld-select:** theming for ld-select css component ([b540fe9](b540fe9))
* **ld-select:** typeahead with none-matching query ([6eff101](6eff101))
* **ld-select:** use tether in place of popper ([b09e0d2](b09e0d2))
* **ld-select:** using touchend for click outside detection on mobile safari ([337e63c](337e63c))
* **ld-sr-live:** listen for events on window and use correct suffix ([c7e6a07](c7e6a07))
* **ld-sr-live:** remove console log calls ([64d4a9a](64d4a9a))
* **typography:** update line heights in design tokens ([32cd3a1](32cd3a1))
* **utils:** pass false attribute value as is ([3584956](3584956))

### Features

* **cloneAttributes:** test for name, exclude part ([caf5270](caf5270))
* **design-tokens:** add bin command to generate custom design tokens ([37cd41b](37cd41b))
* **design-tokens:** add bin command to generate custom design tokens ([2ea32c1](2ea32c1))
* **ld-button:** add ghost on brand variant ([032bc31](032bc31))
* **ld-button:** add ghost on brand variant ([2540246](2540246))
* **ld-button:** implicit form submit ([821c7ae](821c7ae))
* **ld-checkbox:** use shadow dom ([f4d6787](f4d6787))
* **ld-header:** add basic header component ([fa4b1c8](fa4b1c8))
* **ld-header:** add basic header component ([db51098](db51098))
* **ld-icon:** add hyperlink and copy icon ([77a058f](77a058f)), closes [#258](#258) [#259](#259)
* **ld-input:** add parts ([180bd39](180bd39))
* **ld-input:** add resize prop ([fb30f1b](fb30f1b))
* **ld-input:** add resize prop ([8d699c0](8d699c0)), closes [#223](#223)
* **ld-input:** autocomplete support for input field ([b88369f](b88369f))
* **ld-input:** make component fully themeable ([4507c5c](4507c5c))
* **ld-input-message:** add parts ([76ba14d](76ba14d))
* **ld-input-message:** add theme colors to icons ([8c4e768](8c4e768))
* **ld-label:** add parts ([97c7244](97c7244))
* **ld-label:** use up-to-date css custom props ([8d1c931](8d1c931))
* **ld-notice:** add text notice component ([b10ca2a](b10ca2a))
* **ld-notice:** remove bg color of error mode ([fbed5d6](fbed5d6))
* **ld-tablist:** change border color to match hover state ([23de1ac](23de1ac))
* add font-weight to design tokens ([b026440](b026440))
* unify event handling ([59b4e28](59b4e28))
* **ld-notification:** use shadow dom ([22cdd6d](22cdd6d))
* **ld-pagination:** add pagination component ([978a58e](978a58e))
* import border radii from Figma ([b344954](b344954))
* recursively auto-define children components ([3f7b305](3f7b305)), closes [#244](#244)
* **ld-button:** add parts ([6d16834](6d16834))
* **ld-button, ld-input:** manipulate size attributes of slotted components ([ccc0271](ccc0271))
* **ld-heading:** add parts ([6a704fe](6a704fe))
* **ld-icon:** add parts ([91fa753](91fa753))
* **ld-input, ld-select:** hidden inputs inside form ([958937c](958937c))
* **ld-loading:** use new color vars ([c681698](c681698))
* **ld-notification:** add part focusable ([999f036](999f036))
* **ld-notification:** use up-to-date css custom props ([3abda92](3abda92))
* **ld-tabs:** add methods for switching tabs ([e6efa27](e6efa27))
* **ld-tabs:** add parts ([79592fb](79592fb))
* **ld-tabs:** scrollable tab list ([787c5ba](787c5ba))
* **ld-tabs:** support full width tabs ([4337569](4337569))
* **ld-tabs:** use new color vars ([ccbe7db](ccbe7db))
* **ld-theme:** replace component with global css classes ([b78df5f](b78df5f))
* **ld-tooltip:** use up-to-date css custom props ([9084bf3](9084bf3))
* add ld-typo component ([275a908](275a908))
* update design tokens and color vars ([44c3bc4](44c3bc4))
* **ld-toggle:** hidden input inside form ([43cb8e6](43cb8e6))
* **ld-toggle:** use up-to-date css custom props ([ced2d59](ced2d59))
* update tailwind preset, add sensitive colors ([0b7cfe0](0b7cfe0))
* **button:** disabled but focusable with aria-disabled ([daf58d8](daf58d8))
* **button:** implement button ([50d76c7](50d76c7))
* **input:** implement input ([058c0fb](058c0fb))
* **input:** input slots and aria-disabled support ([17861c8](17861c8))
* **ld-button:** on-brand and secondary-on-brand modes ([372a5e4](372a5e4))
* **ld-button:** progress button ([aefdf0b](aefdf0b))
* **ld-checkbox:** ld-checkbox component ([1c46911](1c46911))
* **ld-heading:** heading theming and coloring ([124b26f](124b26f))
* **ld-heading:** set aria-label on b headings implicitly ([c045ca3](c045ca3))
* **ld-input:** custom date picker icon for webkit browsers ([7fa79bd](7fa79bd))
* **ld-input:** custom time picker icon for webkit browsers ([2b92d5b](2b92d5b))
* **ld-input:** multiline mode ([0303f41](0303f41))
* **ld-input:** size prop ([530f2aa](530f2aa))
* **ld-input:** support for various input types ([3ea272d](3ea272d))
* **ld-label:** allow html content ([246352c](246352c))
* **ld-label:** allow html content ([9bbb125](9bbb125))
* **ld-loading:** implement loading indicator ([8d242a6](8d242a6))
* **ld-notification:** add in and out transitions ([f881d27](f881d27))
* **ld-notification:** implement notification component ([9511b39](9511b39))
* **ld-notification:** placement prop ([d109cbc](d109cbc))
* **ld-notification:** theming ([3f83255](3f83255))
* **ld-paragraph:** paragraph component ([64e812f](64e812f))
* **ld-radio:** radio button component ([775b834](775b834))
* **ld-select:** add caret icon to select trigger ([9e0b789](9e0b789))
* **ld-select:** clear selection with minus key ([a6e566e](a6e566e))
* **ld-select:** css component ([35e849e](35e849e))
* **ld-select:** dispatch input change blur events ([4e9acfd](4e9acfd))
* **ld-select:** implement clear button for multiselect ([6bf2919](6bf2919))
* **ld-select:** implement clear buttons for multiselect ([864ef69](864ef69))
* **ld-select:** implement focus states ([31246bb](31246bb))
* **ld-select:** implement keyboard navigation ([c1828c5](c1828c5))
* **ld-select:** implement scrollable options container ([a3b2ab0](a3b2ab0))
* **ld-select:** implement select component ([f8415c0](f8415c0))
* **ld-select:** implement select component ([e3dc119](e3dc119))
* **ld-select:** invalid prop and checkbox mode for multiselect ([ec46f6a](ec46f6a))
* **ld-select:** observe slot and create copy for popper ([f194521](f194521))
* **ld-select:** size prop ([0a5e3e3](0a5e3e3))
* **ld-select:** typeahead to focus an option ([240fed8](240fed8))
* **ld-select:** use up-to-date css custom props ([151edcb](151edcb))
* **ld-select:** use virtual key and ref props ([14df7a5](14df7a5))
* **ld-tabs:** tabs tablist tab tabpanellist tabpanel ([acc5964](acc5964))
* **ld-theme:** add theme colors as dynamic css custom props ([acc077f](acc077f))
* **shadows:** generate drop shadow css custom variables ([6b6dc95](6b6dc95))
* **tailwindcss:** generate and bundle tailwindcss preset ([eba2d1b](eba2d1b))
* add ld-bg-cells component ([9712d12](9712d12))
* add react bindings ([b1cc028](b1cc028))
* import icons via Figma API ([44cffca](44cffca))
* **ld-select:** max rows ([a783c88](a783c88))
* **ld-select:** use hidden input on web component for standard form submissions ([17a673a](17a673a))
* **ld-tooltip:** add tooltip component ([974450a](974450a))
* add toggle element ([#7](#7)) ([6fd3b0b](6fd3b0b))
* convert ld-input-message and ld-heading to shadow dom ([53e22aa](53e22aa))
* move alpha to colors, add disabled variant ([25b00f1](25b00f1))
* replace headings and paragraphs with ld-typo ([455f455](455f455))
* **ld-select:** visual modes and customization options ([4c7f3b0](4c7f3b0))
* **ld-theme:** ld-theme component and theming docs ([64fc5af](64fc5af))
* **react:** prop aliases ([4165e23](4165e23))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Feb 9, 2022
1 parent e120e99 commit 05bde2a
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