A loggly adapter for MIG to make it possible to log outcome of the scheduled services to loggly.com
- Get the dll from, https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=d4f523939586278c&id=D4F523939586278C%219558&ithint=file,dll&authkey=!AM24A0x-_Uzndp8 or build it yourself from the source
- Add the LogTransformation from below in your ScheduledTask that you want to perform logging for.
- Set the AssemblyPath to point out the adapter dll.
- Set up the connectionString so it points to YOUR loggly.com account, in the file below it's a faked link.
- Set the LogOriginIdentifier parameter to a value that says where it loggs from, will most likely be a customer name. This will help out in filtering the events on loggly.com
To see a working example, check the ExampleScheduler.xml file in the root folder. Remember that the Loggly url is fake, you need to provide your own.