I really enjoyed doing this project. Also this project absolutely for OOP learners in university. Visualized education is much more effective than classical education.
I decided to end this project because I didn't want to develop the game engine. My game development adventure will continue with GODOT Game Engine
Preview (Click image to play game)
Download the project sources
To install Yarn:
yarn install
To build the deployment project run:
yarn build
To start the dev server on port 3000 run:
yarn start
I wanted to learn how to develop a game then I just started the learning with this tutorial I found.
Downloaded and installed NodeJS, Yarn and starter repo.
Integrated rpg sprite set in the opengameart.org
Character, animations, controllers, basic movement is done.
Character movement animation improved more than tutorial (When you release the key, the animation stops in player direction).
Used tiled map editor.
Generated main map and integrated.
- Colliders are developed.
Tutorials are finished. Now i continue with own my own.
Coin class added. Coin asset is imported.
Improved collision class for detect object types.
Coin and its collider generated.
Basic interactions are done.
Added some player properties like health, mana, stamina.
Developed slide skill. Player can slide at 1 second intervals.
Also the player can run.
Gui completed for the first stage.
Collider group system developed for advanced interactions.
The main story has been edited.
Scenario manager is developed.
Added health and mana bar, removed stamina property.
Energy drink added.
Improved talking machanism.
Developed effect manager and added flame effect.
Player class changer is done.
The codes are slightly more optimized..
- Developed automatic mode.
Player can use slide skill and go well for refill mana when on automatic mode.
Gold score is short formatted now.