Simple editable input fields / texts components for PIXI.js.
✨Compatible with PixiJS v8
(If you're using older version, please try v1.0)
- Build the pixi-input-field.js.
npm start
- Import pixi.js first, then import the pixi-input-field.js.
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./dist/pixi-input-field.js"></script>
- Copy InputField.ts into your project and import in your scripts.
import { InputField } from './InputField';
const inputField = new InputField({text:"Press To Edit"});
- Create TextInputField.
(⚠️ It will lost control if text is empty.)You can setup the focus function in your own flow to get the control back.const fontStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle({ fontSize: 32, fill: "black", }); const textInput = new PixiInputField.InputField({text:"", style:fontStyle, backgroundDisplay:textInputBackground});
textInput.isEditing=true; const _text = textInput.text; textInput.text = _text.slice(0, textInput.preEditIndex) + textInput.editCursor + _text.slice(textInput.preEditIndex); textInput.inputElement.focus();
- Create TextInputField with background box.
const textInputBackground = new PIXI.Graphics(); textInputBackground.lineStyle(2, 0x4f4f4f, 1); textInputBackground.beginFill(0x787878, 0.25); textInputBackground.drawRoundedRect(4, 4, 300, 46, 16); textInputBackground.endFill(); const fontStyle = new PIXI.TextStyle({ fontSize: 32, fill: "black", }); const textInput = new PixiInputField.InputField({text:"", style:fontStyle, backgroundDisplay:textInputBackground}); textInput.x = 14; textInput.y = 8;
let editedText = textInput.GetInputText();