EssayBot is an attempt to outline a system that combines state of the art techniques in the domain of text synthesis (GPT-2) with advanced grammar and style parsers, with the goal of proposing a model for a new highly efficient writing assistant software.
- Warning: This repo is still under development so may not build successfully.
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First make sure you have installed requirements
$ pip3 install language-check
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
now run an example
$ chmod +x
$ ./Runme
- Utilizes the small (117M Parameter) implementation of OpenAI's GPT-2 to generate text
- Cleans the output and removes duplicate (Still implementing this)
- Parses the output using LanguageTool to find style / grammar errors
Will update this eventually
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Option 2
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- This isn't working on my machine!
- No problem! Feel free to shoot me an email and I can provide some more specific instructions.
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- Website at
Huge creds to TaeHwan Jung(@graykode) for his implementation of GPT-2 as well as LanguageTools and OpenAI.