is a Python API/client that manipulates files on
(a.k.a It can display user's account information, file structure,
and file information, manage(move/rename/delete/upload/download) files and
directories, and most importantly, it can recursively compare and synchronize
directories between client and server.
Please take the following steps:
Obtain an API key from here.
Copy boxrc.example to user's home directory, rename it to .boxrc in a POSIX system (e.g. Unix, Linux, Mac OS X) or _boxrc in a non-POSIX system(e.g. Windows).
Edit .boxrc/_boxrc: replace api_key's value(YOUR_API_KEY) with the API key you've got in step 1.
Copy box-logging.conf.example to box-logging.conf.
Edit(optionally) box-logging.conf, e.g. change 'BOX.LOG' to different name or path. If you'd like to put this log configuration file to a different directory, don't forget to add an environment variable named LOG_CONF_DIR.
Open a command terminal, change directory to the pybox directory, then run:
python pybox/ -U YOUR_LOGIN_EMAIL -p -a
Replace the above email with your actual login email on, and type your password when prompted. If login/password combination is correct, you will get your auth token from the output(something like "auth_token: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
Edit .boxrc/_boxrc again. Replace(or add) account section(YOUR_ACCOUNT_LOGIN) with your login(actually, it can be any string, not necessarily the same as your box login email), replace auth_token value(YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN) with the one you've got in step 6.
If you have multiple box accounts, just repeat step 6 and 7.
If everything goes smoothly, you are now free to manipulate your files on the box account(s) without typing password any more. Generally the command is:
python pybox/ -U YOUR_LOGIN [options] [args]
Please be noticed that this time YOUR_LOGIN is the string you set in step 7.
All supported options are listed as follows:
-U, --username specify username/email
-p, --password prompt password (only needed when auth_token is not found)
-a, --auth-token print auth token
-I, --account-info get box account information
-t, --target specify target type(f for file<default>, d for directory)
-l, --list list directory
-w, --what-id get a path(server-side)'s id
-i, --info get file information
-M, --mkdir make a directory
-R, --remove remove a file or directory
-m, --move move a file or directory
-r, --rename rename a file or directory
-1, --onelevel list one level files
-z, --zip list file tree in zip format
-N, --nofiles only list directory
-s, --simple show simple information
-c, --chdir change directory
-d, --download download file
-u, --upload upload file
-P, --plain-name use plain name(server-side) instead of id
-C, --compare compare local and remote directories
-S, --sync sync local and remote directories
-n, --dry-run show what would have been transferred when sync
-f, --from-file read arguments from file(arguments separated by line break)
Assume all the following operations are performed on Bob's account.
show account information:
python pybox/ -Ubob -I
list all files(caution: this could be VERY VERY slow):
python pybox/ -Ubob -l 0 (0 is the root id)
list all first-level files with fewer details:
python pybox/ -Ubob -ls1 0
create a directory
under root:python pybox/ -Ubob -M dir1
create a directory
:python pybox/ -Ubob -P -c dir1 -M dir2
get directory
(starting from root)'s id:python pybox/ -Ubob -w dir1/dir2
upload file
and directorydir3
to root directory:python pybox/ -Ubob -u file1 file2 dir3
to a directory whose id is1005691453
python pybox/ -Ubob -c1005691453 -u file3
to a directory whose path is 'path1/path2'(starting from root)python pybox/ -Ubob -P -c path1/path2 -u file4
remove a file whose id is
python pybox/ -Ubob -R 1005181453
remove a directory whose path is
(starting from root)python pybox/ -Ubob -PR -td path1/path2
rename file
, filefile2
python pybox/ -Ubob -Pr file1 file2
rename directory
python pybox/ -Ubob -Pr -td dir1 dir2
move a file with id
to a directory with id225236230
python pybox/ -Ubob -m 1025611460 225236230
move directory
to directorydir2
, directorydir3/dir4
to directorydir5/dir6/dir7
python pybox/ -Ubob -td -Pm dir1 dir2 dir3/dir4 dir5/dir6/dir7
download a directory
python pybox/ -Ubob -td -Pd dir1/dir2
compare a local directory
with a remote directorydir2/dir3
python pybox/ -Ubob -td -PC /Users/bob/dir1 dir2/dir3
sync a local directory
(source) with a remote directorydir2/dir3
(destination)python pybox/ -Ubob -PS /Users/bob/dir1 dir2/dir3
Copyright 2011-2012 Hui Zheng
Released under the MIT License.