Aint that exciting?
$ git clone
Make sure the contents of the repo, or just znc.el is on your load-path.
Then add this to your init.el
or equivalent
;; Install
(require 'znc)
Configure it for your specific instance from within emacs once installed.
M-x customize-group znc RET
alternatively, put this in your init.el/configuration file..
(require 'znc)
(setq znc-servers
'(("" PORT# t
where is your ZNC bouncer address/hostname and PORT# is the port # that the bouncer is listening on. NETWORK-SLUG would be freenode or whatever you defined in your znc as the network name. USERNAME and PASSWORD are the username and password you authenticate to ZNC with.
Engage! It'll prompt you for a configured server, or tell you to configure one
M-x znc-erc
Or you can make a giant sweep and connect to freaking everything
M-x znc-all
will recycle the hell out of the server buffer.
By default, when you kill a channel buffer instead of /part
ing from the channel, you will /detach
from it.
This is customizable.
You can also get ZNC.el from the MELPA ELPA repository. See for instructions on using it.