This section is WIP
brew install fzf neovim pyenv rbenv nodenv direnv
brew install font-monaspace-nerd-font font-sauce-code-pro-nerd-font diff-so-fancy
# setup dotfiles
# ##############
brew install git stow vim
git clone repo ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
bash ./
# Install oh-my-zsh
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh
# You might have to turn off some bits of the dotfiles
# which are not yet installed on the machine
# setup vim
# #########
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
pyenv install <latest-python>
pyenv global <latest-python>
pip install pynvim
# open vim
git clone ~/.phpenv
# finish fzf setup
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
rbenv install 3.something_modern
pyenv install 3.something_modern
# after installing vscode
- Finder sidebar
- show filename extension
- enable the shortcuts I like in finder sidebar
- show hidden files
- copy
dir from old and wire it up - change keyboard modifier keys to match microsoft keyboard (swap option and cmd)
- Keyboard prefs
keyboard tab set fastest key repeating set shortest delay until repeat text tab turn off smart quotes turn off period after double space
Setup key repeating the way I like:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
# needs a restart to take hold