This is a plugin for [HTSJDK] 1. This plugin enables multiconnection loading of SAM/BAM files stored in AWS S3. The plugin provides implementation of a custom reader that can be plugged into HTSJDK-based tools. The plugin does not add any new dependencies to HTSJDK; it is loadable and provides new functionality at runtime. A guide for benchmarking using public S3 BAM file can be found at performance_test/public/
The plugin requires Java 1.8, [HTSJDK] 1 v.2.1.1 or newer.
Plugin version: 1.0.
To build this package, use the following command:
./gradlew shadowJar
This command produces one file: s3HtsjdkReaderFactory.jar
To use this plugin with HTSJDK, use the custom reader factory by adding:
PLUGIN_PATH=[path to S3HtsjdkRaderFactory.jar]
BUCKET=[S3 bucket]
KEY=[S3 key]
PREFIX=[Prefix of your s3 resources URLs (for example for url= prefix would be '' or 'http://s3' etc.)]
The plugin is suitable for working with [Picard tools] 2 (tested with Picard-tools v.2.0.1) (you need to download and build the tools separately, see instructions [here] 3).
It should be possible to run the Picard tools in the following way:
PLUGIN_PATH=[path to S3HtsjdkRaderFactory.jar]
PICARD_JAR=[path to picard-tools.jar]
METRIC_COMMAND=[metrics with parameters]
BUCKET=[S3 bucket]
KEY=[S3 key]
For example:
java -Dsamjdk.custom_reader=,com.epam.cmbi.s3.S3ReaderFactory,/path/to/plugin/S3ReaderFactory.jar -jar /path/to/picard/picard.jar ViewSam INPUT= VERBOSITY=INFO VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
Some of the Picard Tools metrics (e. g. ViewSam) take a list of intervals from an input file. When an index file is available for the BAM file and an interval list file is provided, plugin downloads only these intervals.
In order to use the plugin, you need to set up AWS credentials. Credentials must be set in at least one of the following locations:
file at the following path:[USER_HOME]/.aws/
. This file should contain the following lines in the order they appear here:
- Environment variables:
The plugin has the following configuration parameters (set using JVM options):
* Number of connections to S3
* JVM option `samjdk.s3plugin.number_of_connections`
* Default value: 50
The download process starts with the size of the partition equal to
equal to min_download_chunk_size. The partition size increases up to
* Min download chunk size
* JVM option `samjdk.s3plugin.min_download_chunk_size`
* Default value: 32768 bytes = 32 kilobytes
* Max download chunk size
* JVM option `samjdk.s3plugin.max_download_chunk_size`
* Default value: 8388608 bytes = 8 megabytes
* Number of connection retries
* JVM option `samjdk.s3plugin.custom_retry_count`
* Default value: 3
* Index file URL
* JVM option `samjdk.s3plugin.index_file_url`
* Default: try to find an index file using the
name of the BAM file (`.bai` or `.bam.bai` extention)
These options can be set using -D$OPTION=$VALUE
Theoretical upper memory requirement is calculated using the following formula:
Theoretical upper memory requirement = max chunk size * number of connections * 3 (capacity buffer coefficient).
Default value equals 8MB * 50 * 3 = 1200 MB;
The plugin continuously reports on the amount of downloaded data, the number of GET requests to AWS S3 services and elapsed time. This information is written to the log every 5 seconds.
Index files act as an external table of contents and allow the program to jump directly to specific parts of the BAM file without reading all of the sequence.
The plugin has the following two options for the index file location:
- The index file location is specified by the user in configuration parameters;
- The index file location is guessed from the BAM file name (if it is not specified in the configuration parameters.)
In the latter case, the index file is assumed to have the same name as the BAM
file. First, the plugin looks for the .bam.bai
file and if it does not exist,
the plugin searches for the .bai
files. If the index file location was provided
using the JVM option but its URL is wrong then the IllegalArgumentException
exception is thrown.
The plugin uses AWS Java SDK for downloading files from Amazon S3. The
method is used for retrieving
object which provides S3ObjectInputStream
. The
method uses ObjectGET service of the S3 REST API.
To download the index file, use a single GET request and a single connection.
The BAM files are downloaded using multiple threads and thus retrieve the data in chunks of configurable size.
The target BAM file is partitioned to chunks while being downloaded.
The chunk size of each downloading thread grows exponentially from
It is measured in bytes.
Then number of connections that the plugin creates is
. Every connection is
processed as a separate task and creates a range request for a
single chunk. The total number of GET requests for a file equals the total
number of chunks. These tasks are put into a queue from which we get results in order to read the data.
The plugin has the ability to reconnect to the server while downloading in case
the connection is lost. It is possible to configure the number of times the
plugin tries to reconnect, using the samjdk.s3plugin.custom_retry_count
parameter. Each time it tries to reconnect, the S3 Client makes 10 attempts, one
in every 10 seconds.
It might end up downloading a bit of unused data if there are many reconnections due to the chunks downloading algorithm. We downloaded about 1GB more with a 325GB BAM file when testing. This represents an overhead of about 0.3%.