Lets go build! You are tasked to create a new architecture in AWS with GitHub Actions, designed as turn-key solution to accelerate cloud adoption. We will use AWS services such as Amazon ECS and Amazon ECR. we will also use AWS CloudFormation as the infrastructure as code tool.
The solution should embrace security and agility in the software development lifecycle. Here are the features / quality that we want to include in the solution:
- Secure credentials, no hard-coded secrets, use dynamic credentials, time-bound, temporary.
- Infrastructure as code (IaaC) to speed up deployment.
- Linting, policy validation and security best practice checks for IaaC
- Container image scans
- Automated deployment
- Detective and proactive guardrails
The activities should be done as part of a team. The facilitator should have formed a team for you, if not, feel free to form your own team.
We will provide each team with an Event engine Team Hash, you will use it to gain access to AWS account as part of this hackpod.
First you need an AWS account. For this purpose, we will use AWS provided Event Engine. This account will run for 72 hours before it will self-destruct.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the account to store any personal / important data, remember your access are limited to 72 hours.
- Go to: https://dashboard.eventengine.run/login
- Use the Event Engine Team Hash provided by the mentor
- Login using your email address
- Use the AWS Console link to login to the AWS
- Use the provided environment variables for AWS credentials and copy-paste it to your CodeSpaces / IDE
Now you have your CodeSpaces / IDE linked with the temporary AWS account that you will use to deploy your application.
Nominate someone on your team as the maintainer: The maintainer can add the remaining team access to the forked repository for collaborations. The maintainer will then follow these instructions...
- The maintainer will go here: https://github.com/abirismyname/actions-hackpod-template.
- Click "Use This Template" and then "Create a new repository". We recommend creating it as a private repo first, and you can change it later.
- Once created, go to the Repo Settings and click on "Collaborators".
- Add your teammates
Next, someone on the team will be responsible for bootstrapping up the AWS environment. The following steps will create a CloudFormation Stack containing: a. A new IAM OIDC provider and role b. A new ECR Repository c. A new VPCStack
IMPORTANT: Only one person on the team need to perform the bootstrap.
How to bootstrap your environment
Populate the environment variables on your command line
GITHUB_ORG=<enter the GitHub Org Name>
GITHUB_REPO=<enter the GitHub repository name>
ROLE_NAME=<name of the IAM role for AWS configure credentials action that will be created. It must not be an exising IAM role.>
ECR_REPO=<enter the ECR repository name. It will be created if it doesn't already exist.>
ECS_CLUSTER_NAME=<enter the ECS cluster name>
Bootstrap the AWS account using the following command
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./templates/bootstrap-minimal.yaml --stack-name amplify-bootstrap --parameter-overrides GitHubOrganization=$GITHUB_ORG RepositoryName=$GITHUB_REPO RoleName=$ROLE_NAME ECRRepositoryName=$ECR_REPO AvailabilityZones=$AVAILABILITY_ZONES ECSClusterName=$ECS_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
Get the stacks outputs using the following command
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name amplify-bootstrap --region us-east-1 | jq ".Stacks[0].Outputs[]"
Example output
"OutputKey": "VPCStackName",
"OutputValue": "bootstrap-VPCStack-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
"Description": "VPC Stack Name for import"
"OutputKey": "ECRRepositoryName",
"OutputValue": "new-weather-app",
"Description": "ECR Repository Name"
"OutputKey": "RoleGithubActionsARN",
"OutputValue": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:role/new-oidc-user-role",
"Description": "CICD Role for GitHub Actions"
"OutputKey": "AWSRegion",
"OutputValue": "us-east-1",
"Description": "AWS Region for stack deployment"
"OutputKey": "IdpGitHubOidc",
"OutputValue": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXX:oidc-provider/token.actions.githubusercontent.com",
"Description": "ARN of Github OIDC Provider"
Configure GitHub vars and secrets as follows:
= the output value ofRoleGithubActionsARN
from CloudFormation output
= the output value of 'AWSRegion' from CloudFormation outputECR_REPO_NAME
= the output value ofECRRepositoryName
from CloudFormation outputVPC_STACK_NAME
= the output value ofVPCStackName
from CloudFormation outputECS_CLUSTER_NAME
= enter name of ECS cluster to be createdAPP_NAME
= enter name of the app to be shown in ECS cluster
Here are a couple pointer on the next steps:
- We created a starter kit AWS CloudFormation template for the ECS cluster. You can use it to deploy the supporting ECS infrastructure.
- Check out the existing GitHub workflows files for inspiration.
- Split into teams and start coding!