A chatbot demo app using Huggingface inference API, React Native, Expo, and Redux Sagas. Build for Android, iOS, and Web.
Based on:
- Expo SDK
React Native for Android, iOS, Web and Expo Go - Huggingface Question Answering API open source machine learning model
- Redux-Saga Async middleware for Redux
- Ignite from Infinite Red React Native Boilerplate
- The API is called using Redux-Saga for clear, testable async logic
- Axios with Axios-Retry for data fetching
- API error handling
- React Error Boundary
- ESLint and Prettier to standarize formating
- Husky for conventional commits
- Jest for unit testing
- Semantic Release to bump versions and automatically generate CHANGELOG.md
- Github Actions for CI/CD
- Gifted Chat for Material Design and accesability
- Reusable chat component
git clone https://github.com/kurtvandusen/React-Native-Easy-Chatbot
cd React-Native-Easy-Chatbot
npm i
In the root directory, create a new file named .env and copy and paste the contents from .env.example. Then replace the example value with your own Huggingface API key.
Create a huggingface.co account to get your free API key
In the root directory, locate the app.config.js file. Edit the extra: {}
section to customize the values the will be used by Expo-Constants for
- huggingfaceKey
- baseURL
- messagesPlaceholder
- messagesErrorMessage
Explore more Question Answering NLP models on huggingface
Simply change your baseURL to use a different model.
Update context.ts with the text string of your choice. The chatbot will draw all answers from this text only. The current example context file contains text about the history of Nintendo Co, Ltd. drawn from Wikipedia
Here is an example of testing the saga async logic using Jest