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Action – GetMainTreeItems

Eric Domke edited this page May 6, 2019 · 1 revision

Used to generate the table of contents (TOC) tree in the user interface.

AML Query

<!-- SOAP_ACTION = GetMainTreeItems -->

Example (Result):

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <Item type="Tree">
          <Item type="Tree Node">
            <classification>Tree Node/TocCategory</classification>
              <Item type="Tree Node Child">
                  <Item type="Tree Node">
                    <name>Administration/Access Control</name>
                    <label>Access Control</label>
                    <classification>Tree Node/TocCategory</classification>
                      <Item type="Tree Node Child">
                          <Item type="Tree Node">
                            <name>Administration/Access Control/mp_PolicyAccessEnvAttribute</name>
                            <label>Environment Attributes</label>
                            <classification>Tree Node/ItemTypeInToc</classification>


This data is also returned as part of the result from the GetArasMainWindowInfo method.

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