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Item Attributes

Eric Domke edited this page May 6, 2019 · 13 revisions

Every AML statement must contain one of each of the following

  • type OR typeId
  • id OR idlist OR where (unless action="get" and the body of the query is the criteria)
  • action
Attribute Type Usage
type String The ItemType name for which the Item is an instance.
typeId String The ItemType id for which the Item is an instance.
id String The unique ID value for the Item instance.
idlist String Comma-delimited list of unique IDs representing the items to act on.
where String Used instead of the id attribute to specify the WHERE clause for the search criteria. Include the table name with the column name using the dot notation: where="[user].first_name like 'Tom%'"
action String The name of the Method (or Built in Action Method) to apply to the Item.
doGetItem Boolean If 0 then do not perform a final get action on the Item after the server performed that action as defined by the action attribute. Default is 1.

Additional attributes by action

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