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Action – getItemWhereUsed

Eric Domke edited this page May 6, 2019 · 1 revision

Get where the item is used

AML Query

<!-- SOAP_ACTION = GetItemWhereUsed, ApplyAML, or ApplyItem -->
<Item type="Part" id="A680C64BF11A45449665B9FE30664999" action="getItemWhereUsed" />

Example (Result):

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <Item type="Part" id="A680C64BF11A45449665B9FE30664999"
            keyed_name="Part - C1 - 007.26" loaded="1">
          <Item type="Part" id="85CF1B81E78D4AFB9F09500FB7E948CA"
                keyed_name="Part - A1 - 001.5" />
          <Item type="Sourcing List" id="A02E80CB0E3541CDAFDD65FF2E30F849"
                keyed_name="Sourcing List - C1 -&gt; RS12345 - 005.10" />
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