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Eric Domke edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 1 revision


<a href="url">text</a>

Represents a hyperlink to an external resource

  • href is the URL pointing to the resource



The text you would like to indicate as code.


<code lang="language">content</code>

The text you would like to indicate as a code block

  • lang is the programming language used in the code block (such as xml or json)


<datatype path="xpath" type="datatype" />

Used within a <param> tag to describe the data type of a parameter

  • path (optional) represents the path to the attribute you would like to describe the type of relative to the final element described in the <param> tag.
  • type describes the data type. It can be one of the following. If multiple data types are supported, separate them with a pipe (|) such as integer|enum[max].
    • boolean
    • date
    • enum[{value}]: a hard-coded list of pipe-delimited values (such as enum[edit|update])
    • float
    • integer
    • item[{source}]: ID reference to an item. source is optional and specifies the name of the itemtype (such as item[Part])
    • itemname[{source}]: keyed_name reference to an item. source is optional and specifies the name of the itemtype (such as itemname[Part])
    • list[{source}]: single-value list. source is the name of the list (such as list[Item Behavior])
    • mv_list[{source}]: multi-value list. source is the name of the list (such as mv_list[Item Behavior])
    • string

<em> / <i>


Marks text with emphasis using italics



The <example> tag lets you specify an example of how to use a method or other library member. This commonly involves using the <code> tag.



The <exception> tag lets you describe the exceptions that can be thrown.

<list type="">

<list type="bullet|number|table">
  • term: A term to define, which will be defined in description.
  • description: Either an item in a bullet or numbered list or the definition of a term.

The <listheader> block is used to define the heading row of either a table or definition list. When defining a table, you only need to supply an entry for term in the heading.

Each item in the list is specified with an <item> block. When creating a definition list, you will need to specify both term and description. However, for a table, bulleted list, or numbered list, you only need to supply an entry for description.

A list or table can have as many <item> blocks as needed.



The text of the paragraph. For use inside a tag, such as <summary>, <remarks>, or <returns>, and lets you add structure to the text.


<param name="xpath">description</param>

Describes a parameter that must be passed into the method

  • xpath describes structure of the parameter within the item tag using XPath. Examples:
    • @attribute: an attribute with the name attribute
    • property: a property/element with the name property
    • Relationships/Item[@type='File'][@url][@id]: One or more relationships of type File with the attributes url and id



The <remarks> tag is used to add information about a type, supplementing the information specified with <summary>.


<see cref="member"/>

The <see> tag lets you specify a link to another object from within text.

  • cref takes the form of {itemtype}.{keyed_name} such as itemtype.Part or method.PE_ChangeItemTransition.

<strong> / <b>


Marks text with strong emphasis using bold

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