ChatGPT-Twilio-Java - Provides integration with ChatGPT via Twilio allowing text message (SMS) and voice interactions with ChatGPT's AI chatbot
This web application, written in Java using the Micronaut ( framework provides API endpoints to support both SMS and Voice interactions via Twilio (in progress). And uses OpenAI's APIs and supported engines (text-davinci-003) and models (currently tested with gpt-3.5-turbo).
An OpenAI API Key is required - this can be obtained at OpenAI Account Keys and configured as an environment variable
Register a new Twilio number at
Under your number settings, enter webhooks for both Messaging and Voice & Fax
Messaging = https://{your public hostname}/sms
Voice = https://{your public hostname}/voice
Note: Voice functionality is not complete - this initial implementation will just greet the caller, and doesn't currently support interactions (TODO)
This app supports configuration via environment variables and loading via a .env file. Any environment variables present on startup, or contained in the .env file in the current working directory will be loaded at runtime.
Example .env file:
# Your OpenAI API Key
# Valid numbers that can send/recieve messages
# Optional - if enabled, only these numbers can initiates messages or calls
# Host the server will listen on - default = localhost
# Note: To run with Docker or on Heroku, this value will need to
# be set to
# Port the server will listen on - default = 8080
To start the app, run:
./gradlew run
Swagger endpoints are available locally at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui
A docker image is publically available by pulling ericblue/chatgpt3twilio:0.1 and on Dockerhub
docker run -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env ericblue/chatgpt3twilio:0.1
To enable external access with public URLs, if you are using something like ngrok ( you can run:
ngrok http 8080
This app has been tested on Heroku ( deploying as a Docker image and running with the Gradle buildpack. For the application name, I used chatgpt3twilio-xyz in this example, but you can use any name you like.
# Create a new Heroku app
heroku create chatgpt3twilio-xyz
# Login to the container registry
heroku container:login
# Run a docker build
./gradlew dockerBuild
# CD to the build directory with the Dockerfile
cd build/docker/main
# Push the container
heroku container:push web -a chatgpt3twilio-xyz
# Release the container
heroku container:release web -a chatgpt3twilio-xyz
# Note: Make sure to set the CHATGPT_API_KEY Config var under Settings
# Open with the public URL
heroku open -a chatgpt3twilio-xyz
Complete voice support - consider additional voice engines (Twilio, Microsoft Azure Voices, Amazon Poly, etc)
Add support for system messages/personas/roles to perist across multiple messages for a given session and phone number
This app was created by Eric Blue -