This is a basic R package for interfacing with the Intellidemia Concourse API.
bRush is not available on CRAN and can be installed directly from GitHub using the devtools package (which is available on CRAN).
To use this package, get the API token from the admin panel.
Place the token in a file called .Renviron as such:
CONCOURSE_KEY = ABcD123efG45hIJ78KLMno9PQrstuVwXyZ10
This method follows the best practice for developing API packages as documented here:
Alternatively, you may place the token in a text file called token.txt to be loaded from the working directory at the time needed.
You may store multiple keys for multiple servers, and override the default name of “CONCOURSE_KEY” by passing this arugument when making requests:
env_var_name = "NameOfApiKey"
The loadURL function will load urls provided in .Renviron file as well. By default, the variables CONCOURSE_SANDBOX, CONCOURSE_URL use “sandbox” or “production” as shortcuts for you development and production environments. CONCOURSE_SANDBOX is the default for all functions. Any variable name can be specified, and you may also pass an actual url instead of using environment variables (e.g, server = “”).
getCourseIDs(template = "templates", department_id = "BIOL") %>% ## Call to get course IDs
pull(external_id) %>% ## Pull the IDs column
map_df(~getCourseInfo(.x, ## Call each syllabus
verbose = TRUE) %>% ## Use verbose mode
.[["syllabus"]] %>% ## Pull the syllabus list
.[["children"]] %$% ## Pull the children list
tibble(external_id = .x, ## Make a data frame, add the ID
items = map(., ~.x$pretty_name) ## Unlist the pretty name
) %>%
unnest(items) %>% ## Unnest the lsit of pretty names
mutate(exists = TRUE) %>% ## Make a variable to spread
complete(items, nesting(external_id),
fill = list(exists = FALSE)) %>% ## Complete the data set with FALSE
pivot_wider(names_from = items, ## Spread the pretty names
values_from = exists) ## Fill with exists
getCourseIDs(timeframe = "current", department_id = "PYCH") %>% ## Call to get course IDs
pull(external_id) %>% ## Pull the IDs column
map_df(~getSyllabusAccess(.x, ## Call each syllabus
verbose = TRUE) %>% ## Use verbose mode
.[["registrants"]] %>% ## Pull the registrants list, .) %>% ## Convert the list to a matrix %>% ## Convert the matix to a df
mutate(course_id = .x) ## Add a course id column