Extractive-Summarizer using LexRank.
Import the repository folder into Pycharm
Download CNN datasets into project directory
Train summarizer Use training-summarizer.py on the training dataset - This application calculates the inverse document frequencies (idf) of every word in the training dataset.
usage: training-summarizer [-h] TRAINING_DIRECTORY OUTPUT_FILE
Summarize test file Use test-summarizer.py on test dataset - This application summarizes a given article using previously calculated inverse document frequencies (idf).
usage: test-summarizer [-h] IDF_FILE ORIGINAL_FILE
note: delete .summary files if recreating summaries
Evaluator Use test-evaluator.py on summarized files - This application evaluates our LexRank summarizer using the sentence labels provided in the dataset.
usage: test-evaluator [-h] SUMMARIES_DIRECTORY
Pull/Sync master for latest code
Create new feature branch from master
Code out the feature on the new feature branch, test locally
When finished, pull/sync master again
Update feature branch from master, resolve conflicts
Merge feature branch into master locally
Push/Sync master