Simple i18n solution for javascript.
Online demo:
import i18n from '/path/i18n.es6.js';
"resource": "/path/language.json",
"locale": "en"
}).init(function () {
// Do something.
// this._("string key");
// Examples
"hello": "WORLD!",
"anime" {
"japan": {
"_": "Japanese Douga",
"detective conan": "{year} Vol.{num}",
"attack_on_titan": "Attck on Titan"
// basic string
let foo = i18n._("hello"); // "WORLD!"
// use "." for multiple level
i18n._("anime.japan"); // "Japanese Douga"
i18n._("anime.japan.attact_on_titan"); // "Attact On Titan"
// Examples
"anime" {
"japan": {
"detective conan": "{year} Vol.{num}"
// by object
const conan = {
"year": 2022,
"num": 99
i18n._("anime.japan.detective conan", conan); // output "2022 Vol.99"
// by array
i18n._("anime.japan.detective conan", [2022, 99]); // output "2022 Vol.99"
// by arguments
i18n._("anime.japan.detective conan", 2022, 99); // output "2022 Vol.99"
// Change default language
i18n.set('locale', 'jp')._("string key"); // output in Japanese
// Get specific language
i18n._("en", "string key"); // string in english
// with variables
i18n._("en", "anime.japan.detective conan", conan);
i18n._("en", "anime.japan.detective conan", [2022, 99]);
i18n._("jp", "anime.japan.detective conan", 2022, 99);
<div data-i18n="string key">...</div>
<div data-i18n-pass="{"name": "value"...}"></div>
<div data-i18n-pass="[value1, value2...]"></div>
// Initialize
i18n.set(...).init(function () {
// Event trigger
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
// auto translate in default language
// auto translate in specific language
// it won't change the default language setting
// Datetime of default format
let foo =;
// Format in specific language
let foo ='language key');
// Custom format
let foo ='language key', 'format');
"Language key": {
"__meta__": { // for datetime use.
"datetime": "PHP like",
"timezone": "UTC offset"
"day": ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"...], // abbr of day
"days": ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"...], // full name of day
"month": ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar"...], // abbr of month
"months": ["Janurary", "February", "March"...] // full name of month
// Example {"key": "value"}
"string key": "string", // String
"string key": { // object
"string key": {
"string key": {...}
javascript-i18n-core was release under MIT License.