Python30 is an inspiration of JavaScript30 and 100DaysOfCode created to help those who are starting with python or who want to improve their skills in this language.
It is a small course with some challenges which I invite you to take.
- Create a github repository
- Add your solution for every challenge and tweet a link using the #Python30 hashtag
- Help others, give feedback and share your knowledge
- Keep learning
Feel free to submit a PR adding a link to your repository, blog or videos here
- Day 01 - *args and **kwargs
- Day 02 - Range
- Day 03 - List Slices
- Day 04 - Map
- Day 05 - Filter
- Day 06 - Reduce
- Day 07 - Lambdas
- Day 08 - Comprehensions
- Day 09 - Enumerate
- Day 10 - Error Handling
- Day 11 - Classmethod and Staticmethod
- Day 12 - Property
- Day 13 - Dunder Methods
- Day 14 - Operator Overloading
- Day 15 - Else
- Day 16 - Recursion
- Day 17 - Memoization
- Day 18 - Decorators
- Day 19 - Generators
- Day 20 - Context Managers
- Day 21 - Datetime
- Day 22 - RegEx
- Day 23 - Loggers
- Day 24 - Collections
- Day 25 - Itertools
- Day 26 - Csv
- Day 27 - Json
- Day 28 - LRU Cache
- Day 29 - Multiprocessing
- Day 30 - Doctest