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Project theming a shared media collection library. Built with Typescript/Node.js/Nest.js/TypeORM(PostgreSQL)

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Template built for study and future references. Practice project theming a media collection(which may have users interacting with posted medias).

The project is built using Nestjs and despite the framework's modular architecture recommendation this one is following a predictable structure regarding concepts of DDD/Clean/Hexagonal Architecture.

Project's Structure

Overall structure regarding the proposed architecture. (May have hidden files/folders)

├── .vscode                                           > Configs for vscode environment
├── assets                                            > Extra resources for project
│   ├── docs                                            > Documentation resources
│   └── environment                                     > Tools and resources for setting up development environment
└── src                                               > Source code files
    ├── main.ts                                         > Application start point, contains multiple configurations
    ├── adapters                                        > Grouping files from the project's architecture adapters layer
    │   ├── entrypoints                                   > Responsible for inbound requests
    │   │   ├── consumers                                   > Listen for queue jobs
    │   │   │   ├── dtos                                      > Events payload models
    │   │   │   │   ├── payload                                                                  
    │   │   │   │   │   └── __-job-payload.dto.ts                             
    │   │   │   │   └── result                                           
    │   │   │   │       └── __-job-result.dto.ts                         
    │   │   │   ├── jobs                                      > Jobs definitions
    │   │   │   │   └── constants.ts                                                  
    │   │   │   └── __-consumer.entrypoint.ts                         
    │   │   ├── controllers                                 > Listen for HTTP requests
    │   │   │   ├── dtos                                      > Request/Response models(may have validations)
    │   │   │   │   ├── request                                                  
    │   │   │   │   │   └── __-rest-request.dto.ts                         
    │   │   │   │   └── response                                                  
    │   │   │   │       └── __-rest-response.dto.ts                         
    │   │   │   └── __-controller.entrypoint.ts                         
    │   │   ├── resolvers                                   > Listen for GraphQL requests
    │   │   │   ├── dtos                                      > Operations Arguments and response Types models
    │   │   │   │   ├── args                                                  
    │   │   │   │   │   └── __-graphql-args.dto.ts                         
    │   │   │   │   └── types                                                  
    │   │   │   │       └── __-graphql-type.dto.ts                         
    │   │   │   └── __-resolver.entrypoint.ts                         
    │   │   └── subscribers                                 > Listen for events
    │   │       ├── dtos                                      > Events payload models
    │   │       │   ├── payload                                                  
    │   │       │   │   └── __-event-payload.dto.ts                         
    │   │       │   └── result                                                  
    │   │       │       └── __-event-result.dto.ts                         
    │   │       ├── events                                    > Events definitions
    │   │       │   └── constants.ts                                                  
    │   │       └── __-subscriber.entrypoint.ts                         
    │   ├── exceptions                                    > Exceptions index
    │   └── gateways                                      > Responsible for oubound resources
    │       ├── apis                                        > External services interfaces
    │       │   ├── types                                   > Types definitions for the unkown xternal services
    │       │   └── __-api.gateway.ts                                                  
    │       ├── clients                                     > External libraries
    │       │   └── __-client.gateway.ts                                                  
    │       ├── databases                                   > External data sources
    │       │   ├── models                                    > Database data models
    │       │   └── repositories                              > Database data access
    │       │       └──__-database-repository.gateway.ts                         
    │       ├── producers                                   > Jobs producer
    │       │   ├── jobs                                      > Jobs definitions
    │       |   │   └── constants.ts                                                  
    │       │   └── __-producer.gateway.ts                                                  
    │       └── publisher                                   > Events publisher
    │           ├── events                                    > Events definitions
    │           │   └── constants.ts                                                  
    │           └── __-publisher.gateway.ts                                                  
    ├── application                                     > Grouping files from the project's architecture application layer
    │   ├── exceptions                                    > Application scope exceptions classes
    │   │   ├── ports                                       > Application dependencies exceptions
    │   │   │   └── __.exception.ts                                           
    │   │   └── services                                    > Application services exceptions
    │   │       └── __.exception.ts                                           
    │   ├── interfaces                                    > Interfaces contracts for the application and its dependencies
    │   │   ├── ports                                       > Interfaces Contracts for application dependencies
    │   │   |   └── __.interface.ts                                      
    │   │   ├── services                                    > Interfaces Contracts of the application
    │   │   |   └── __.interface.ts                                      
    │   │   └── types                                       > Interfaces related to the application
    │   │       └── __.interface.ts                                      
    │   └── services                                      > Application services containing business logic
    │       └── __.service.ts                                      
    ├── domain                                          > Grouping files from the project's architecture domain layer
    │   ├── entities                                      > Classes modeled into business domain entities
    │   │   └── __.ts                                                        
    │   ├── exceptions                                    > Domain scope exceptions classes
    │   │   └── __.exception.ts                                           
    │   └── repositories                                  > Interfaces Contracts for domain entities repositories
    │       └── __.exception.ts                                                        
    └── infrastructure                                  > Grouping files from the project's architecture infrastructure layer
        ├── config                                        > Configuration modules/helpers setting up external resources
        │   ├── modules                                     > Nest.js modules encapsulating clients and configurations
        │   │   └── ...                                                        
        │   │   └── app.module.ts                           > Main Nest.js module containing all imports and configurations
        │   └── __.ts                                                        
        ├── internals                                     > Framework/Language specific features
        │   ├── decorators                                  > Typescript/Nest.js annotation functions to wrap extra behaviors on functions         
        │   |   └── _.decorator.ts                                  
        │   ├── enhancers                                   > Nest.js specific interactors         
        │   |   ├── filters                                     
        │   |   |   └── _.filter.ts                                     
        │   |   ├── guards                                     
        │   |   |   └── _.guard.ts                                     
        │   |   ├── interceptors                                     
        │   |   |   └── _.interceptor.ts                                     
        │   |   ├── middlewares                                     
        │   |   |   └── _.middleware.ts                                     
        │   |   ├── pipes                                     
        │   |   |   └── _.pipe.ts                                     
        │   ├── providers                                   > Nest.js DI wrappers for external libraries/providers
        │   |   ├── packages
        |   |   |   └── _.provider.ts
        │   |   └── constants.ts                               
        │   └── utils                                       > Utility configuration helpers                          
        └── ...                                                            

Related files(e.g.: tests .spec.ts files and folders or types .interface.ts files and folders) may follow the collocation principle and be put as close as possible to it's reference file while also respecting the overall organization.

Development environment

Tools and local resources used to setup the local environment may be encountered at /assets/environment folder.

It is required to provide the environment variables. Use the template files to build the .env file for this local development environment.

Local docker environment

An optional, but recommended, docker-compose environment is set up for usage as development environment.

The original container ports may be remapped from host to run alongside other projects/applications in the host machine for a more complete ecosystem, check the docker-compose file to visualize or modify which ports are being used/mapped.

It maps the project files into a container containing the required dependencies and infrastructure resources for local development(which can be referenced like in service discovery).

The Makefile created contains commands for easly setting up environment:

  • Build the enviroment and enter it's shell to use it's resources and dependencies:
$ make up             > build containers development environment
$ make sh             > enter shell at container environment
  • Leave the environment and shut down the containers after usage:
[/nest-container] $ exit
$ make down           > destroy containers
  • Other commands:
$ make rebuild        > rebuild environment

Alternativelly run these docker-compose commands into the /assets/environment folder manually.

PS.: Check the makefile parameters to ensure it's initializing the correct development container and project(this last one to ensure containers from different applications are visible within the same project)

Run the project

After setting up the development environment you may build and run the project.

  • Install project's dependencies:
$ npm install

PS.: may be required to run $ npm i --legacy-peer-deps

  • Run the project in watch mode:
$ npm run start:dev
  • To run with vscode debugger enabled:
$ npm run start:debug

PS.: Attach the debugger(F5) after starting the server in debug mode

Docs and Tools

  • Run the project to access some developer tools:
    • /swagger route to view live API documentation.
    • /api/graphql route to test with a playground for GraphQL API.
    • /bull-board route to view and manage async jobs with BullMQ queues.

PS.: Application developer tools credentials may be defined at the .env file.

  • The docker development environment provides a web admin pages for databases and services:
    • Postgres: http://localhost:5433
    • MongoDB: http://localhost:27018
    • Redis: http://localhost:6380

PS.: docker-compose developer tools credentials may be defined at the docker-compose.

Extra Notes

  • Developer experience(DX):
    • Available standardized local docker environment and tools
    • Swagger live documentation automatically built with nestjs plugin, mirroring entrypoints(controllers)
    • Streamlined contribution automation with git hooks:
      • Staged code linted/formatted/validated/tested
      • Commit build helper with formatter
    • (Clean/Hexagonal/DDD)Architecture dependency rule:
      • Ensured by eslint-boundaries rules
      • May be ignored at the adapters layer to have a more pragmatic approach
  • Application:
    • Auth(jwt):
      • Using decorators to annotate authentication/authorization requirements for resources
      • Users may have roles to grant access to resources:
        • Rest API: private routes
        • GraphQL: private "routes" and individual private entities fields
    • Logging:
      • using Pino logger to link all logs from a specific request context through an unique id
      • autologging:
        • API requests
        • configured infrastructure methods(set at app.module.ts) using a wrapper helper function
    • Validation: input validations done by dtos with embbeded validation rules
    • Exceptions: each one discovered have it's own class and can be handled and mapped individually to an error response for each entrypoint/presenter
    • CORS: for a list of specified domains in the .env file


Project theming a shared media collection library. Built with Typescript/Node.js/Nest.js/TypeORM(PostgreSQL)







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