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A changelog generator


This project is currently a prototype, and mainly works if you project meets the following criteria:

  • It is on Git.
  • Commits follow the Angular commit convention.
  • Numeric tags (vX.X.X.X, vX.X.X, and others).
  • For URLs to authors and commits, it will need to be hosted on GitHub.

If it does, you can build and install this project using Stack:

stack build --copy-bins

Once shift, is in your PATH, you can invoke it according to where your repository is hosted:

  • GitHub:
shift generate -t github --github-token XXX --github-owner etcinit --github-repository shift
  • Local/Other: shift generate -t git.

To save to a file: shift generate -t git >


A lot.

  • Other hosting types: Phabricator, BitBucket.
  • Support more commit conventions.
  • Templates.
  • Releases.