It's just like Shadertoy but as a command line tool.
This is a toy project of mine, so no guarantees are made about its quality or functionality. It is also bound to change suddenly.
$ shader-playground.exe
Expected 1 arguments, got 0
Usage: $ shader-playground.exe path\to\fragment.glsl
Passing in the path to a GLSL v330 fragment shader will open a window with the shader running.
Currently, the only uniforms provided are:
for the current window size in pixelsiTime
for the time since the program started
There are some written fragment shaders in the examples
This one is an adaptation of the default program when you create a new shader in Shadertoy:
$ shader-playground examples/shadertoy_gradient.glsl
This program depends on these things:
- GLFW as the graphics framework
- This framework is built with CMake
- GLAD to manage OpenGL loading
- This program runs using python
- zig 0.11.0 as the build system
Cloning recursively will fetch GLFW as a submodule:
$ git clone --recursive
Use CMake to build GLFW:
# Generate build files for your platform
$ cmake -B deps/glfw/build -S deps/glfw/
# Build the library binaries (`-j` for multithreading)
$ cmake --build deps/glfw/build -j
Generate GLAD C-Bindings:
# Install/upgrade glad
$ pip install glad --upgrade
# Generate C bindings
$ python -m glad --profile core --out-path deps/glad --generator c --api gl=3.3 --spec gl
Build shader playground with zig:
$ zig build -Dtarget=native-native-msvc -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe
The build.zig
has been made with only windows in mind. So It would require modifications for other platforms.
You can also run the program from zig-build:
$ zig build run -Dtarget=native-native-msvc -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe -- examples/shadertoy_gradient.glsl