EurostatVisu is a web visualisation project of Eurostat data (mainly). The visualisations currently available are the following:
- Income disparities in European countries. Focus on country comparison
- Economy's twists and turns
- Population map of Europe, based on eurostat-map.js and Nuts2json.
- Government expenditure by function based on the COFOG classification.
- The COICOP classification as sunburst and star tree
- Household expenditures composition, detailled by product and evolution accross time
- Price time series
- GDP evolution in Europe
- European fishing quotas explorer
Data are accessed using the Eurostat REST webservice for JSON-stat data. The data are decoded and queried using JSON-stat library. The visualisations are built using mainly eurostat.js and D3 libraries. Maps based on NUTS regions rely on eurostat-map.js and Nuts2json.
Feel free to ask support, fork the project or simply star it (it's always a pleasure).