Key Features • Motivation • How To Use • Credits • License
- Create a poll with title and the options to vote using PostgreSQL with Prisma as a ORM.
- Get the poll created with number of votes ranked.
- Voting on a poll, the number of each votes will be stored using Redis as a database.
- When accessing the WebSocket endpoint, you will subscribe to the results of this poll.
- Everytime you vote, if a WebSocket connection is estabilished, all subscribers get the results in real time.
How real-time communication works is important, many modern applications and services works with WebSockets, e.g. real-time chat. I learned the Pub/Sub pattern, when a Subscriber makes an inscription on a channel or topic and a Publisher publishes the message in this channel and the Subscribers consumes this message. For that application, using Redis as an in-memory database was very important to learn the use-cases of this database and, because of its fast read and write operations, it is one of the first choices on a chat application and message systems.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js (which comes with npm) and Docker with Docker Compose installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository $ git clone # Go into the repository $ cd polls-realtime
# Install dependencies $ npm install
Rename the
file to.env
and fill it accordingly:PORT=<YOUR_PORT> POSTGRES_USER=local_user POSTGRES_PASSWORD=local_password POSTGRES_DB=polls POSTGRES_PORT_NUMBER=54325 DATABASE_URL=postgresql://local_user:local_password@localhost:54325/polls?schema=public SECRET_KEY=<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>
Run the command to up Postgres and Redis containers:
# Up the containers $ npm run services:up
This will up a Redis and a PostgreSQL container on your Docker installation.
Run the Prisma migrations:
# Run the migrations $ npm run migrate:dev
Run the server:
# Run the project $ npm run dev
If you would like to access the database by a GUI, Prisma comes with a built-in GUI to view and edit the data, from your command line:
# Access the Prisma Studio $ npm run prisma:studio
Now you can test it in your favorite API Testing Platform (Insomnia, Postman, Hoppscotch)
The API will be accessible at http://localhost:3000 (or in the port setted in
file) -
The API provides the following HTTP endpoints and the body requests / responses:
POST /polls
Request Body:
{ "title": "Qual melhor framework web para NodeJS?", "options": ["Express", "Fastify"] }
Response Body:
{ "pollId": "194cef63-2ccf-46a3-aad1-aa94b2bc89b0" }
POST /polls/{pollId}/votes
Request Body:
{ "pollOptionId": "c5271ca0-3c5b-4a81-af94-284bfbfd49b1" }
GET /polls/{pollId}
Response Body:
{ "poll": { "id": "194cef63-2ccf-46a3-aad1-aa94b2bc89b0", "title": "Qual a melhor framework web para NodeJS?", "options": [ { "id": "c5271ca0-3c5b-4a81-af94-284bfbfd49b1", "title": "Express", "score": 2 }, { "id": "780b8e25-a40e-4301-ab32-77ebf8c79da8", "title": "Fastify", "score": 1 } ] } }
The WebSocket endpoint is at:
Everytime when voted on a poll, the WebSocket endpoint will publish the following message:
{ "pollOptionId": "c5271ca0-3c5b-4a81-af94-284bfbfd49b1", "votes": 2 }
This project was made for NLW #14 Expert by Rocketseat and uses the following open source packages:
The MIT License (MIT) 2024 - Evandro Costa. Please have a look at the LICENSE for more details.
GitHub @evans-costa · LinkedIn @evandro-souzac