Full-stack TodoMVC with GraphQL subscriptions.
- Server: todomvc-server.now.sh
- Web: todomvc-web.now.sh
Looking for a modern technology stack for my next project in 2018. Any suggestions are welcomed!
- GraphQL - JavaScript Fullstack Solution [Slide]
- 2018 GraphQL 漸進式導入的架構
- node >= 9.3.0
- yarn >= 1.3.2
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
- jest
- Integration test
- zetavg/graphql-todomvc
- Redux TodoMVC Example
- TodoMVC Specification
- Full-stack React + GraphQL Tutorial
- Tutorial: GraphQL subscriptions with Apollo Client
- Apollo Documents
- GitHunt-React
- graphql-boilerplates/react-fullstack-graphql
- Testing React Apollo components with Enzyme
- ⇄ Pull requests and ★ Stars are always welcome.
- For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
- Pull requests must be accompanied by passing automated tests.