A Julia toolbox for ICESat, ICESat-2 and GEDI data. Quickly search, download, and load filtered point data with relevant attributes from the .h5
granules of each data product.
Currently supports the following data products:
mission | data product | User Guide (UG) | Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) |
ICESat | GLAH06 v34 | UG | ATBD |
ICESat | GLAH14 v34 | UG | ATBD |
ICESat-2 | ATL03 v6 | UG | ATBD |
ICESat-2 | ATL06 v5 | UG | ATBD |
ICESat-2 | ATL08 v6 | UG | ATBD |
ICESat-2 | ATL12 v5 | UG | ATBD |
GEDI | L2A v2 | UG | ATBD |
For an overview with code examples, see the FOSS4G Pluto notebook here
If you use SpaceLiDAR.jl in your research, please consider citing it.
]add SpaceLiDAR
Search for data
using SpaceLiDAR
using Extents
# Find all ATL08 granules ever
granules = search(:ICESat2, :ATL08)
# Find only ATL03 granules in a part of Vietnam
vietnam = Extent(X=(102.0, 107.0), Y=(8.0, 12.0))
granules = search(:ICESat2, :ATL08; extent=vietnam, version=6)
# Find GEDI granules in the same way
granules = search(:GEDI, :GEDI02_A; extent=vietnam)
# A granule is pretty simple
granule = granules[1]
granule.id # filename
granule.url # download url
granule.info # derived information from id
# Downloading granules requires a setup .netrc with an NASA EarthData account
# we provide a helper function, that creates/updates a ~/.netrc or ~/_netrc
SpaceLiDAR.netrc!(username, password) # replace with your credentials
# Afterward you can download the dataset.
# Note: download! updated granule url to local path
granule = SpaceLiDAR.download!(granule)
# You can also load a granule from disk
path2file = granule.url
granule = SpaceLiDAR.granule(path2file)
# Or from a folder
(folder, fn) = splitdir(path2file)
local_granules = SpaceLiDAR.granules(folder)
Derive points
using DataFrames
fn = "GEDI02_A_2019242104318_O04046_01_T02343_02_003_02_V002.h5"
granule = SpaceLiDAR.granule(fn)
df = DataFrame(granule)
760156×15 DataFrame
Row │ longitude latitude height height_error datetime intensity sensitivity surface quality nmodes track strong_beam classification sun_angle height_reference
│ Float64 Float64 Float32 Float32 DateTime Float32 Float32 Bool Bool UInt8 String Bool String Float32 Float32
1 │ 26.6923 51.823 169.045 0.313182 2019-04-18T10:22:23.996 -857.388 1.38006 true false 1 BEAM0000 false ground 49.0315 169.752
2 │ 26.7006 51.823 165.783 0.31319 2019-04-18T10:22:24.078 853.56 0.694586 true false 1 BEAM0000 false ground 49.0312 167.354
3 │ 26.7023 51.823 162.871 0.313192 2019-04-18T10:22:24.095 110.071 -0.480232 true false 1 BEAM0000 false ground 49.0311 164.785
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
760155 │ 110.661 -0.194184 171.157 0.258848 2019-04-18T10:45:33.900 7702.96 0.945006 true true 2 BEAM1011 true ground -1.94442 176.333
760156 │ 110.662 -0.195451 167.176 0.258852 2019-04-18T10:45:33.925 9595.64 0.981322 true true 2 BEAM1011 true ground -1.94564 173.691
Derive linestrings
using DataFrames
fn = "GEDI02_A_2019108093620_O01965_03_T05338_02_003_01_V002.h5"
granule = SpaceLiDAR.granule(fn)
tlines = DataFrame.(SpaceLiDAR.lines(granule; step=10000))
SpaceLiDAR.GDF.write("lines.gpkg", tlines)