baltic is a Python library for parsing phylogenetic trees. It takes newick, Nexus or nextstrain JSON trees and allows you to manipulate, explore and visualise them. baltic stands for Backronymed Adaptable Lightweight Tree Import Code if you like that sort of thing.
Use package manager pip
to install baltic:
pip install baltic
import baltic as bt
# When called with a tree string the `make_tree()` function return a baltic tree object:
myTree = bt.make_tree(treeString)
# Otherwise you can import trees from newick, nexus or nextstrain JSON files
myTree = bt.loadNewick(newickPath)
myTree = bt.loadNexus(nexusPath, absoluteTime = False)
myTree, myMeta = bt.loadJSON(nextstrainPath)
Copyright 2016 Gytis Dudas. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.