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Eric Werner edited this page Nov 20, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the a2 wiki!

a2 is the wannabe new ac'tivAid*! Still an Autohotkey script managing and developing framework.
It is designed like being in development indefinitely but there are quite a couple nice things already!

New here? Want to Try a release?

Please check out this wiki page: How to use a2

development main goals

  1. decoupled ui and runtime
  2. use of latest Autohotkey_L
  3. active open source development
  4. easier contributing, setup and more flexibility

1. decoupled ui and runtime

The settings UI is now made with Qt via PySide as it's a much more flexible and matured interface platform as the former Autohotkey embedded UI stuff. Implemented with Python the UI can also be a stronger platform for managing database interactions and project environment maintenance with a web base.

And without the UI the Autohotkey runtime can be MUCH lighter and reliable and concentrate on what Autohotkey can do best.

2. use of latest Autohotkey_L

For ac'tivAid we tried several times to upgrade Autohotkey but the complexity and limited debugging capabilities kept this from succeeding. Autohotkey_L is quite mature now and under active development too. Far beyond objects, arrays, COM support, Unicode and 64bit there are lots of improvements to the old AHK.

3. active open source development

With github this already feels much better than it ever was with ac'tivAid and the heise SVN.

Maybe we can even do the module development and maintenance from here!...

4. easier contributing, setup and more flexibility

Most of the module setup will already be done right from the UI without writing any code. In fact you'll be able to create modules that don't require you to write any code at all. Although this will be restricted to Hotkey bending and automation you'll be able to define the scopes in which those work more easily and precisely.