The latest version of Python can be downloaded from here.
- When installing, please be sure to select the box that adds Python to PATH
The latest version of Visual Studio can be downloaded from here.
- When installing, please select the Python Development workload
- Select all optional Python development package check boxes on right hand side
After installation, open Visual Studio and set up you initial preferences.
Git install instructions can be found here.
- You will need to add Git your system variables
Navigate to the Z3 Github repository to view the project.
Open a terminal on your computer and navigate to where you want to clone the Z3 repository (Ex: C:\Z3).
From that location, run:
git clone
Open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 through the start menu.
Navigate to the folder that you cloned the Z3 repository into (Ex: C:\Z3).
For 32-bit builds, run:
python scripts/
For a 64-bit build, run:
python scripts/ -x
then run:
cd build
pip install z3-solver
You should now be able to open Visual Studio and run Z3 with its Python binding.
To test, you can run:
from x3 import *
x = Real('x')
y = Real('y)
s = Solver()
s.add(x + y > 5, x > 1, y > 1)
The last two lines should produce sat
and [y = 4, x = 2]