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A lightweight php form builder to quickly generate and validate html forms using Bootstrap 5 or Pure CSS. Other CSS frameworks can easily be adapted. Internationalization is supported and the library is independent from other PHP frameworks.



public int $check_timer = 0;

This property determines the time, in seconds, between entering form data and submitting the form. If the given time has not been reached, the form validation will always return false, assuming it is a bot because a user cannot enter data in that short time. Setting this property to zero no check will be made.


public string $date_format = 'Y-m-d';

This property defines the format of the date. The format will be used when validating a date.


public string $date_placeholder = 'yyyy-mm-dd';

This property defines the placeholder to be shown when using a datetext type of input fild.


public string $time_format = 'H:i';

This property defines the format of the time. The format will be used when validating a time.


public string $time_placeholder = 'hh:mm';

This property defines the placeholder to be shown when using a timetext type of input fild.


public bool $use_session = false;

A CSRF check will automatically added to the form. If use_session is set to true, the csrf-token will be stored in a session, which means a session has to be available. By default a stateless token will be used.


public bool $warnings_on = false;

Some methods are throwing warnings. This value can be set to true when you are testing / debugging.


Formbuilder constructor

function __construct(string $form_id, array $args=[])

Creates a new instance of the formbuilder class. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg default description
action '' sets the form action
string '' additional form attributes
method 'post' the form method to use
wrapper 'bootstrap' which wrapper to use
lang 'en' sets the language


    $form = new Formbuilder('demoform');


public function add_lang (string $filename)

Adds a language translation file


    $this->i18n_file = $path . "i18n/$lang.php";
    $this->lang = $lang;

    $form = new Formbuilder('aform', ['wrapper'=>'bootstrap-h-md', 'lang'=>$this->lang]);


public function button (string $name, string $value='', string $onclick='', string $type='button', string $string='' )

creates a button with either a href to the button:


$form->button('click_btn','click me','');  

or a js event:

$form->button('click_btn','click me','onclick="myfucntion();"');


public function button_bar (array $names, array $values=[], array $onclicks=[], array $types=[], array $strings=[] )

Create a button bar. The parameters and functionality are the same as with button.


public function checkbox (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type checkbox to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
checked the input field is checked / not checked
id the input fields id


    $form->checkbox('agreement', ['label'=>'i do agree','checked'=>true]);

    // finally after the validation
    $data = $form->validate('agreement,some_other_field');

    // you can check what was chosen
    if ( isset($data['agreement']) )
        // checkbox checked
        // checkbox checked    


public function datalist (string $name,  $valuelist, array $args=[] )

Add an input field type datalist to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id


    $form->datalist('choose_from', '1,2,3,4,5', ['value'=>'4']);


    $form->datalist('choose_from', ['1','2','3','4','5'], ['value'=>'4']);


public function date (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type date to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id


    $form->date('date', ['value'=>date("Y-m-d")]);


public function datetext (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type text to the form, but only valid dates can be entered. The date will be validated according to date_format property. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id




public function datetime (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type datetime to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id




public function div_close ()

Closes a div. Counterpart from the div_open() function.


public function div_open (string $string='')

Opens a div. Counterpart to the div_close() function.




public function fieldset_close ()

Closes a fieldset. Counterpart to the fieldset_open() function.


public function fieldset_open (string $legend='', string $string='')

Opens a fieldset. Counterpart to the fieldset_close() function.


    $form->fieldset_open('Bank Transfer Payment', 'id="fieldset_bank_transfer"');


public function file (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type file to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id


    $form = new Formbuilder('frm1', ['string'=>'enctype="multipart/form-data"']);


public function grid ( string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds a table to the form - each cell is a text input field (keep in mind that the resulting data will be a multidimensional array). The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the grid fields values
id the input fields id
rows size / amount of rows
cols size / amount of cols


    $form->grid('grid', ['label'=>'Grid', 'rows'=>3, 'cols'=>2] );

            ['Row 1','b1','c1'],
            ['Row 2','b2','c2'],
            ['Row 3','b3','c3'],
            ['Row 4','b4','c4']



public function hidden(string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type hidden to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
string additional field attributes
value the fields value
id the fields id


    $form->hidden('em_booking_id', ['value'=>$booking_id]);


public function html (string $value )

Adds whatever html to the form.


    $form->html('<img alt="present" src="'.$image.'" width=100" height="40"> ');


public function lang (string $value) : string 

Checks if the passed value contains {} and treats the $value as a keyword to lookup in the translation script. If the keyword cannot be found the function will return the passed value, otherwise the translation. If there is nothing to lookup ( {} ) aremissing, the function will return the original passed value. This function is also used for labels/values, errors and messages.


    $form->lang('{thank_you}'); // this text will be looked up in the translation files
    $form->message('{thank_you}', 'class="alert alert-success" '); // will have the same text output
    $form->message('thank_you', 'class="alert alert-success" '); // the output will simply be 'thank you'

public function layout_grid(array $rows) : void 

Sets the layout for a form grid in order to layout the form into rows and columns.


        $form = new Formbuilder('demoform', ['wrapper'=>'bootstrap-inline']);
        $form->search('search', ['label'=>'Live Search'],"livesearchResults(this, '/livesearch/Album', '$ajax_token')");
        $form->date('date', ['value'=>date("Y-m-d")]);


public function message (string $message, $string='')

Adds an alerting message at the top of the form.


    $form->message('Your mail has not been sent');


    public function number (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type number to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id
min the input fields minimum value, default is 1
max the input fields maximum value, default is 10
step the input fields spinner steps, default is 1


    $form->number('total',['label'=>'No. of persons', 'value'=>1, 'min'=>1, 'max'=>5]);


public function ok ( bool $reset=false ) : bool

Checks if a form has errors after a validation.


    if ( $form->submitted() ) {
        $data = $form->validate('name,email,phone,message');

        if ( $data === false ) // caused by csrf check, honeypot or timer check
            $form->message('something went wrong');

        if ( $form->ok() ) {
            // do something with the data...
            $name = $data['name'];
            $email = $data['email'];



public function password (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type password to the form. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id




public function radio (string $name, string $label, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type radio to the form. After submit the value of the label with be the value of the radio button chosen. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
checked the input field is checked / not checked
id the input fields id


    $form->radio('radio', 'choose a', ['checked'=>true]); // field name is always the same for a radio group -> radio
    $form->radio('radio', 'choose b');
    $form->radio('radio', 'radio c', ['value'=>'option_c']);

    if ( $form->submitted() ) {
        $data = $form->validate('tfield,radio'); // get contents of the radio group -> radio

        if ( $data === false ) // caused by csrf check, honeypot or timer check
            $form->message('something went wrong');

        if ( $form->ok() ) {
            if ( $data["radio"] == 'choose_b' ) // if no value given, the value is the converted value of the label !!!
                $radiob = true;

            if ( $data["radio"] == 'option_c' ) // with a value given, it will be returned the same if selected
                $radioc = true;



public function render () : string 

Renders the whole form and returns it as an html string.


public function render_array () : array 

Renders the whole form and returns it as an array of html string with the field names as key.


public function reset ()

Resets (unsets) input $_POST, $_GET, $_FILES and defined form fields and rules


 public function rule ( $rule, $name='')

Adds a rule to a field which will be later checked in the function validate(). There are a few internal rules already built in:

  • 'required'
  • 'numeric'
  • 'integer'
  • 'email'
  • 'date'
  • 'time'

others you will have to define on your owhn.


    public function val_phone ($value, $field) {
        if ( empty($value) )
            return '';

        $pattern = '/^\s*(?:\+?(\d{1,3}))?([-. (]*(\d{3})[-. )]*)?((\d{3})[-. ]*(\d{2,4})(?:[-.x ]*(\d+))?)\s*$/';
        $result = preg_match($pattern, $value);

        if ( $result === 1)
            return '';
            return 'invalid_phone';

    $form->text('phone')->rule('phone', [$this, 'val_phone']); // callback to function val_phone
    $form->text('email')->rule('email'); // callback to an internal validation
    $form->rule('required', 'name'); // if not chained, the name of the field is mandatory !


public function search (string $name, array $args=[], $oninput='')

Creates an input field type search - with the oninput event a live search can be implemented. An example javascript is given in livesearch.js, you have to add your controller.


    $ajax_token = $this->token();
    $controller = "'/livesearch/$table'";
    $form->search('search', ['label'=>'Live Search'],"livesearchResults(this, '/livesearch/search', '$ajax_token')");


public function select (string $name, $valuelist, array $args=[] )

Creates an input field of type select. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id


    $form->select('options','1,2,3,4,5,6', ['label'=>'Select Option']);


public function set_prePOST(array $data)

Sets the values of form fields at once instead of setting each value.


    $reservation = $wpdb->get_row( // get a row from the database....
        $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}reservations where transaction_id='{$token}'") 

    $form = new Formbuilder('event_info', ['wrapper'=>'bootstrap-h-md', 'lang'=>$this->lang]);
    $form->set_prePOST($reservation); // ... and post the values into the form fields


public function set_secrets(string $secret, string $uid)

Sets the secret key and unique id for stateless csrf token. Obviously you should set the secret in every controller if you are using stateless csrf-tokens.


public function submit (string $name, string $value='', string $string='')

Creates a form input field of type submit.


public function submit_bar (array $names, array $values=[], array $strings=[])

Creates form input fields of type submit as a bar.




public function submitted () : bool

Checks if the form was submitted, which means we can start to process the form with validation etc.


    $form = new Formbuilder('demo');
    // and so on....just define the rest of the form

    if ( $form->submitted() ) { //can we start to process the form ?
        $data = $form->validate('name,email,phone,message');

        if ( $data === false ) // caused by csrf check, honeypot or timer check
            $form->message('something went wrong');

        if ( $form->ok() ) {
            // do something with the data...
            $name = $data['name'];
            $email = $data['email'];



public function text (string $name, array $args=[]

Creats a form input field of type text. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id


    $form->text('name',['label'=>'your name here'])->rule('required');


public function textarea (string $name, array $args=[] )

Creates a form input field of type textarea. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id
rows size / amount of rows
cols size / amount of cols


    $form->textarea('message', ['label'=>'Leave us a message']);


public function timetext (string $name, array $args=[] )

Adds an input field type text to the form, but only valid times can be entered. The time will be validated according to time_format property. The following arguments in arg are valid:

arg description
label label text for the input field
string additional field attributes
value the input fields value
id the input fields id




public function validate ($field_list) 

Validates the whole form based on the defined rules. The field list can either be a comma separated sting or an array. Only the fields passed into the function will be validated, sanitized and returned as an array. The function will return false if the built-in csrf-check failed, the honeypot was triggered or the check timer didnt pass.


    $form = new Formbuilder('demo');
    // and so on....just define the rest of the form

    if ( $form->submitted() ) { //can we start to process the form ?
        $data = $form->validate('name,email,phone,message'); // !!! the field forgotten_field will not validate and returned !!!

        if ( $data === false ) // caused by csrf check, honypot or timer check
            $form->message('something went wrong');

        if ( $form->ok() ) {
            // do something with the data...
            $name = $data['name'];
            $email = $data['email'];



To define a language to be used for all translations, pass the lang parameter during form creation. The default language is 'en'.

    // setup this somewhere
    $lang = 'es'; // or however you determin the language
    $path = plugin_dir_path(__DIR__); // example for wordpress 
    $this->i18n_file = $path . "i18n/$lang.php"; // a subdirectory of the plugin path

    $form = new Formbuilder('demo', ['wrapper'=>'bootstrap-h-md', 'lang'=>$this->lang]); // then create your instance
    $form->add_lang($this->i18n_file); // finally add your translation file

How does the translation file look like:

return [
    'name_complete' => 'Name complete',
    'email' => 'eMail',
    'phone' => 'Phone',
    'authorization' => 'Deposit authorization code',
    'persons' => 'No of persons',
    'warning' => 'something went wrong',
    'submit' => 'Submit this form'

Save it under your choosen path and name it en.php and your done. Do the same with spanish es.php etc. Now you can use the translation as you wish.

    $form->text('name', ['label'=>'{name_complete}']);
    $auth_text = $form->lang('{authorization}');


Just a copy and paste skeleton.

    $form = new Formbuilder('form', ['string'=>'enctype="multipart/form-data"', 'wrapper'=>'bootstrap-h-md']);
    $form->text('field1', ['label'=>'field1 label:'])->rule('required');
    $form->fieldset_open('Your choices:');
    $form->radio('radio', 'option 1:', ['checked'=>true, 'value'=>'option1']);
    $form->radio('radio', 'option 2:', ['value'=>'option2']);
    $form->checkbox('checkbox1',['label'=>'checkbox', 'checked'=>true]);

    if ( $form->submitted() ) {
        $data = $form->validate('field1');

        if ( $data === false )
            $form->message('something went wrong');

        if ( $form->ok() ) {
                $form->reset()->message('all done', 'class="alert alert-success" ');
                // do something with $data here

        echo $form->render();