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This Slack bot annoys you in conversations. The bot mixes up words in your conversation by making use of the Google Cloud Natural Language API.

This bot is build with the Botkit.

Setup Guide

Create Slack Bot

Go to and copy the API token.

Update (is executed later on).

Get GCP Secrets

Create a new Service Account and create and download a Private Key in JSON format.

Copy project ID and client email from the JSON file to

Base64 encode the private key from within the .json using encode-base64.js and copy that value as well.

Create Heroku App


Create a new node App through the Heroku online console and connect it with this repo with

heroku git:remote -a <app-name>

Set env variables for the app with ` from above.

Create and connect a redis instance with

heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev

Make sure the app has now a REDIS_URL environment variable set by heroku.



git push heroku master or if the GitHub repo is connected to Heroku (see below) simply git push.

Make sure no web but a worker process of this app is started (refer to Procfile).

In case heroku ps does not state a single worker is running do:

heroku ps:scale web=0
heroku ps:scale worker=1

If everything is fine heroku ps should look like this:

=== worker (Free): npm start (1)
worker.1: up 2017/07/15 22:46:57 +0200 (~ 10m ago)

Connect with GitHub for automatic deploys

If the project is on GitHub, the repo should have an origin and a heroku remote:

$ git remote -v
heroku<heroku-app>.git (fetch)
heroku<heroku-app>.git (push)
origin<user>/<repo>.git (fetch)
origin<user>/<repo>.git (push)

In this case you can connect the GitHub repo within the heroku app and enable automatic deploys on pushes to the remote origin.