A library of scripts to generate static maps using open source technology.
This library was originally developed to support the design process of a printed butterfly map. You can find out more about the map itself in the related detailed documentation.
The library is named after Hermann Haack, a german cartographer.
Install the requirements by running npm install
in the root directory.
If you want to process the ETOPO1 data, make sure that GDAL is installed on your machine.
TLDR: A Shell script that downloads and prepares the elevation data for the mapping process. Delivers a set of GeoJSONs for different elevation levels. Run it with npm run process-etopo1-data
in the root directory.
If a map should contain elevation levels, data from a digital elevation model (DEM) is needed. The NOAA provides such a model in the GeoTIFF format. This file can be processed to a series of GeoJSONs that can be used by D3 to generate a map.
This shell script automatically downloads the GeoTIFF dataset and converts it to GeoJSON files. The script can be called with the command npm run process-etopo1-data
in the root directory. By default, it generates GeoJSONs for each hundred meter level, starting from -10,000 meters (sea ground) to 9,000 meters (Himalaya). The resulting files are therefore:
(lowest sea level)-9900.geojson
many more sea level files…
(first landmass file)100.GeoJSON
many more landmass files…
These settings can be tweaked in the section your settings
in the file process-etopo1-data/main.sh
Attention: Depending on the settings and your machine, this script might take several hours to run!
A node application that renders a map layer for given GeoJSON data. Uses d3 and it's projections.
The map generation is controlled with a config file, see the file config.example.js
as an example. The config file sets the map’s dimensions and layers.
The tool supports these layer types:
— a filled layer, consisting of a a single GeoJSONstroked
— an outlined layer, consisting of a a single GeoJSONlevels
— a series of filled levels, consisting of a set of GeoJSONs
Filter the levels based on their height. Provide an array with filter functions as you would do in a JS .filter
function. E.g., use filters: [level => level > 0]
to only render layers above the sea level.
: ["min", 0, "max"],
Please see the config.example.js
for a reference how to use these layers. The config files need to be placed in the folder render-map-layer
To run the script, use the command npm run render-map-layer
in the root directory. By default, the script will look for a config.js
file in the folder render-map-layer
. If you want to use another file, provide it's name as a argument like this: npm run render-map-layer my.special.config
A node application that renders map labels as SVG for given GeoJSON data.
This works similar to the render-map-layer
script. It also uses a config.js
file. To run the script, use the command npm run render-map-label
in the root directory.
The script outputs SVG files with labels and dots in the desired projection. It was only tested and is optimized for files from Natural Earth.
A node application that creates a cutline as SVG for a map.
This works similar to the render-map-layer
script. It also uses a config.js
file. To run the script, use the command npm run render-map-cutline
in the root directory.
By default, the tools use a common data folder at data
. Exported maps are saved in the folder export
Also, a folder called temp
is used in the root directory for temporary files.