A repo for some of my solved DSA problems with explanations and implementations in C, C++, Java, and/or Python! Many of these are from Leetcode, HackerRank, CodeSignal, AlgoExpert or other software engineering interview prep sites where we are given assessments/scenarios.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZhhiO3YC_CBuzD4zAuXObglvdMv5A4_kZzLSn3QKfY/edit?usp=sharing (not entirely up to date with this repo -- this repo will always be more up to date than the google sheet)
I organize these problems by the type of category they fall into: Dynamic Programming, Arrays, Strings, etc... I format the problems like so: problemInCamelcase_methodN_platform.langaugeType
Looking for problem "Group Anagrams" from Leetcode.
There may be multiple methods I have muliple implementations of this problem that work slightly differently, so method1 is just implementation #1 that is a valid solution to the problem.
This solution was implemented in python (.py extension).
In the comments at the top of each file, I also include the problem link statement (if available), the time and space complexity analysis, and additional notes about the solution.