I am a Software Engineer who loves building things. Nowadays I mostly work with Python, kdb+ and Java, among the main technologies. I am interested in Machine Learning, Quantitative Finance and Algorithmic Trading.
Type of Software | Endpoint | Repository |
Web Application | Scenes Classifier | GitHub |
REST API | Corn Diseases Classifier | GitHub |
Web Application | Nasdaq Stocks Volatility | GitHub |
Web Application | AAPL Stock Backtesting | GitHub |
▪ Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++
▪ Data Wrangling: NumPy, pandas
▪ Data Visualization: Matplotlib, seaborn, Plotly
▪ Machine Learning: TensorFlow, scikit-learn
▪ Web Development: Flask, SQLAlchemy, pytest
▪ Solid Understanding of General Algorithms: Time Complexity, Space Complexity
▪ Columnar Databases: kdb+
▪ Relational Databases: Oracle, MySQL
▪ CI / CD Tools: GitLab, Octopus Deploy
▪ Containerization and Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes
▪ Cloud Technologies: Amazon Web Services
▪ Software Architectures: kdb+tick Architecture, Microservices Architecture, Event-Driven Architecture
▪ Software Development Process: Agile Methodologies, DevOps
▪ Team Management: Resource Management, Planning
▪ Application Operation Management: Application Lifecycle, Incident Management